Not in THE cooler, just lower temperatures and quite a strong breeze. Much more pleasant for everything apart from dehydrating my runner beans. It was their turn to go all floppy.
The night was unremarkable except for the fact I had quite a good sleep. And when I awoke I was faced with a bit of a dilemma. Not much of one really, because I could feel it was cooler and the clouds were a bit of a give away. This meant the dilemma of whether to walk H earlier or later was my choice and I chose a slightly later walk.
So, first off to Didcot for a very pleasant swim. The inconsiderate snails were absent, thank goodness and the swimmers today, mostly displayed a considerate attitude.
I returned home to take H out and we headed for Cholsey Meadows. Pangbourne was my original destination but I ran out of time because Debs was coming to do my feet. Two treats in two days for my feet.
The Meadows were very pleasant. Heidi spends much of her time exploring the undergrowth in the dried up ponds. And then today, because I was distracted by a phone call, she transferred her interest to the water-filled pond where the ducks reside. I know they have babies so, time to depart with H under restraint.
Debs was due to come and deal with my feet so we had a good natter. Tomorrow is the Downs School prom which I believe is being held at Newbury Rugby Club. Fergus will be there as will Fleur.
I’m afraid I was then attacked by a bit of shut eye. It took me a while to surface from this, before I trekked out to pick up a delivery at Waitrose.
The General Election is a week today. We are now part of the realigned Wantage and Didcot constituency. Social media whispers are not very positive about the incumbent Tory MP. In fact, I have not seen one single Tory poster as I have travelled around. Lib Dem posters and Labour also are visible. Are the local Tories too embarrassed to admit to their allegiance?
The afternoon drifted on in breezy sunshine. My runner beans are leaning awkwardly and I fear a strong wind might blow them over. I watered these and those thirsty courgette plants.
I shall be away in deepest Devon from tomorrow until Sunday evening so cooler temperatures and a little bit of the wet stuff would be welcome.
The lovely Loren will be here with her mop and bucket tomorrow so I shall try and get going early ish.

This house is just round the corner by the river. How the other 1% live. It was up for sale recently at £2.5 million.
Thought for the Day
Will use the beloved A303 today. All roads west will be busy because it’s Glastonbury weekend. Wot – no rain? No mud!

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