Yes, at one point today, the heat was too hot too tolerate, you could feel it burning your skin.
After yesterday’s sloth, I decided that today needed to be better. Therefore Heidi and I were up and walking at Cholsey around 06.15. The temperature was very pleasant. Cool enough for H to break into a scamper.
I had decided to avoid the ponds and benches because of H’s tendency to hunt the ducks. The ponds are quite close to houses so I didn’t want to be calling her at such an early hour. It seemed a kindness to spare the ducks too. So I opted for the usual start but to divert round the larger field. Only this went wrong due to the presence of cows, which I have never known there before. Thwarted!

All the gates were firmly padlocked so that was that, and we found an alternative route.
I had a modicum of energy this morning. So, once home, I was soon wriggling into my swimsuit and off to Didcot for a swim. The pool was populated by the slowest, most inconsiderate people who were definitely not going to concede to faster swimmers. Why? No idea.
It just meant I had to work harder to overtake them .
But I expect it was good for me.
And I called in at Tesco Express in Cholsey, mainly for clothes washing sachets and kitchen roll. I do not like not having kitchen roll, and I was down to my last wash. There were other items too.
Next up , watering plants which are struggling under the extremeness of the heat. I find this a soothing activity.
And then, finally finally, coffee and toast in the garden, whilst I watched the expensive fruits of my labours grow.
And I may even have dozed.
Later, I had to take a trip out to pick up a prescription amongst other things, but lucky little H got to stay at home.
The relentless humidity and heat caused me to retreat inside. Where I may have succumbed to a lack of consciousness.
It is 19.00 and little H cannot decide whether to be inside or out and is coming and going. Hopefully the evening may cool down but it does not feel like it at the moment. The doors are all wide open.
It is 19.00 and 26C. And forecast to be around 15C by 05.00. It might be another day that starts around 06.00 and is finished by 10.00. After tomorrow the temperatures should start to drop.
Ali and Fleur made an unexpected visit due to a power cut where they live. They wanted to watch England play footy and also heat up a take away meal. F had just played hockey, in the heat. As some mad people do.
That meant I had to shelve the sewing bee on TV, and indulge in entertaining them, briefly.
And yet another chair snooze followed. I was horrified to discover that it was 03.00 when I woke up. Lights on (in the kitchen left on by visitors) ; all doors wide open. H had brought herself in. But it was cool!
The ejection draws closer – I think that typo says it all. Starmer has said he will do something about knife crime. First decent idea. None of them really seem to know what to do about anything else. Economy, NHS, and immigration seems important to some – maybe Starmer hit the nail on the head when he said it’s to do with speed of processing applications. He seems to be developing a confidence. Sunak is having a tough time thanks to the idiots in his party. Davey – he’s well grounded as is the green lady but unlikely to ever have enough power to make a difference. Then there is Fartarse who seems to be slipping… what a shame …
Thought for the Day

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