After two wonderful days by the seaside, wonderful despite being nearly blown away, today I travelled south to old haunts. I regretted it almost straight away. Because the further south I went, the greyer it became.
It had been wonderfully sunny at Ouistreham first thing.

I was in no hurry to leave!
The roads were very familiar to me and I swung by Le But. I expected to see grand renovations taking place but none were obvious from the outside. There was a small tired looking motorhome by the front hedge, which I suppose the new owners are occupying, while work goes on in the buildings. Good luck to them.
I passed through Ranes at lunchtime and sneaked a peak into the huit a huit and could see smart new chilled upright display cases for fresh fruit and veg. I sped on to Bagnoles where I was confronted with total chaos.
Grand works are going on which have involved transforming the car park into the sort of square you get in Mediterranean countries for performing the evening promenade. All very fine, except where was I to park the car? Conundrum as there was nowhere anywhere near O Gayot. There was lots of unpleasant noise coming from the building site. There were people and machinery and cars all over the place. This was not the Bagnoles I once knew and loved.
I turned round and headed back to LeClerc at la Ferte Mace where I spent a small fortune on rose wine for the girls, cornichons, cider, various salad dressings and other sauces, and Orangina. Oh and as for me, a squeeze lime and a lemon, some cooked potatoes and spicy sausage for lunch. I crammed it into the car by wrapping everything up in raincoats or other clothing items and crossing my fingers.

My lunch,out, which had disappeared from my list of important things? turned into a snack in Bagnoles woods, once I had parked the car. I was lucky because a tow truck was loading a broken down vehicle so I waited for them to finish and took the place. Just about the only place on the new route towards the station. Some major levelling and removal of banks has taken place.
This is in the new area towards the old station. Now in the cold light of evening, I can see it is a huge improvement.

The current mess… from the woods …looking towards Gayot.

There are also some seriously large pipes awaiting attention.

Having eaten my unexciting lunch in the woods with H’s help, I checked in at the hotel and promptly fell asleep for an hour or so.
Then H and I took ourselves out again for a wander and by now things had calmed down and peace was being restored. Parking places by O Gayot were appearing, people were disappearing and I started to recognise the town.
We took in a drink of Badoit at the Lido,( not literally, just another of our favourite watering holes) where a member of staff made an huge fuss over H, and then we went for my evening meal at Gayot. This was delicious above and beyond. Caponata; cod and coco beans in a deliciously subtle sauce, and that old favourite -sable – to finish.

The ‘boss lady’ who we have come to know over the years was there to greet me and we had a little chat about T.
I took H for another wander and had a chat with one of the chefs who I have also seen, but never spoken to, over the years,(15-20 years) he must have been very young when he started off there. You see, by one of the tables there is a window into the kitchen and we have sat there a few times.
I sat on a new bench in the new open area that is still under construction and enjoyed the peace and the late evening sun. A few ghosts have been laid to rest and my earlier regret at leaving the coast has been dissipated. Bagnoles is still Bagnoles. I remembered our first visits, and how we had not particularly liked it way back, but scratch the surface and it grows on you.Businesses have come and gone, but market was always worth a visit. Local produce prevailed. Carrouges cheese – who has ever heard of that?

Thought for the Day
What a great four days … ( so far).
T would have enjoyed the trip – perhaps he has, through my eyes.
Homeward bound tomorrow. There’s a song about that…And a film…
Heidi and I can still do it! Old times …
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