Today is Fathers’ Day. We remember happier days.

Sunshine –
Not quite wall to wall but quite a lot of it and with it has come warmth. But I was busy.
The girls and I were off early down to Pangbourne Meadows. Other people were out and about early too, with plenty of dogs chasing around. I always take a ball and thrower when Minnie is staying over. She is a ball fanatic. But today, she dumped it on the river bank and it rolled into the water. The water was quite shallow, but the bank was steep, so I did not encourage her to retrieve it. Not that she noticed its departure because she was too busy eating bits of grass.
Anyways, the two girls had a good runaround. Minnie took after one particular pair of dogs and ran her socks off. It was quite grey at this point in the day.

We returned home and the doggies received some brekkie. Unusual for Heidi, but Minnie likes to get brekkie. And thereafter peace reigned for a while.
I decided to clean the inside of the car which was like a gravel pit, or the bits that weren’t gravel were covered in very fine Heidi hair. The sort of hair that lies on any surface and is difficult to remove. I have protective towels on the floor but H invariably repositions them. It was a waste of time, and effort and barely looked any different.
So, I took the car up the road to the filling station and was very happy to find the car wash expert had no clients. 45 minutes, was how long he said it would take to make clean sense of the inside. And he was not wrong. But he did a fantastic job, washing the fluff off the carpets. The outside is shiny too.
I must keep it clean for at least 2 weeks, for my role as a grown up taxi person at Penny’s 50th birthday bash.

I then dashed to Didcot Pet store to buy H a new muzzle. They are a requirement of ferry travel. She has at least two muzzles somewhere… A bit like my supply of euros which I can’t find either.
But I did find the Euros – – much later… a few hundred, so very handy.
I started some packing and general organisation for the holiday. I tried to keep it simple with a reduced amount of ‘stuff.’
The main bags – H’s and mine , now reside in the car. I don’t want to be dragging them outside and crunching across the gravel at 04.00.
Just last minute bits and pieces to deal with.
My plants got a good hosing. Despite yesterday’s monsoon, the pots were quite dry.
It was time to take Minnie home, and there I found that Dave and F were already back from Leicester.
England had an important football match tonight. Shame I fell asleep just as it started. And woke up as it ended.
It was quite warm today!
Thought for the Day

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