Yes early weather was beautiful and I was up and out soon after 04.30and down at Streatley Rec where I took H for a quick spin before setting off for Portsmouth.

When I joined the A34, it was mainly Lorrie’s using it, but as the morning drifted on towards Southampton, there was the beginnings of a rush hour. Of course there were more of the same road works that plagued me on the M1 and M4. I seton of lay-bys because they / someone realised that not having any sort of breakdown / respite space is actually quite dangerous.
We were on time at Portsmouth and the check in was smooth, but had to wait ages because we were almost the last car on the boat. They keep pet cars in a dedicated space so they can be off first. H had to travel in the car so I left her with the whole back floor and a non-spill bowl of water. I don’t think she moved the whole trip. I did not visit her after a couple of hours -I think it might have caused upset etc. She was pleased to see me.
The first thing she did on some nice grass was defile it big time.
From then on she was in and out of the car every time we went somewhere. And stopped. Just gentle exploration. I was heading for dog friendly beaches, Ouistreham has one but I was looking Fresnay le Compte or similar or Asnelles because these have WW2 remains. I did not get there today.
It rained.
We checked in at the hotel to discover the nice lady saved us around €20 when I decided to extend my stay here to 3 nights and use Ouistreham as a base. This is because the extra 2 nights direct from the hotel rather than via Booking.
The room is no frills, but very clean, with everything I could need. Apart from the electric sockets… my conversion plugs just fall out! anyway I the forgot English charger do u might be very flat in the morning.
I wonder how my car will feel about charging my charger, my phone, my watch , my iPad.
I have had fairly constant problems with the internet, with receiving and sending emails, downloading things, and Apple CarPlay since being here. It’s erratic when out and about. No idea why.
Ouistreham has changed- the restaurants that were open today offer fish and chips and every burger under the sun. You have to pay to park everywhere -it used to be free in some places near the camping car base. There are English everywhere – I thought Ouistreham was in France! And police are all over the main car park. Immigrant watching I suppose. Of the illegal variety.
Courseulles still has free parking! Lots of familiar restaurants were closed, because it’s Monday which meant my evening meal lacked excitement. And, no, I did not have a burger or fish and chips. I had mussels but I think I do a better job.
We returned to the hotel quite early, mindful that I had been awake since 03.00. I expected to sleep in the boat but did not. I had managed a buffet brekkie which I thought was sure to make me drowsy.
Lots of the smaller seaside villages or bourgs have bunting and D Day decorations and posters with expressions of gratitude.

I shall post this in the hope it goes before my battery flattens.

Off to the vet with H first thing – well… about 10.30, then buy a charger plug for USB and USB-C cables. Or just drive around in the car from some silly hour.
I shall post this whilst my channels of communication are still working.
Thought for the Day

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