Today the weather has been unchanged – sunny/cloudy with some exceptionally heavy showers.
Exams are over for those sitting them. Thank goodness. Just have to wait for the results now.
I did not have a very good night, which made it quite hard to leave my bed. So I decided to make use of the wakeful hours and I went hunting out requirements for my trip to France next week. Not that I found many.
Today was going to be a bit tricky – I had a full on all day art class – acrylic landscapes into the abstract. But none of us were that brave.
So H and I were out and about for a quick walk. We started at Streatley Rec and wandered towards the river. It had been a no go area for some months due to all the flooding.
A personal trainer was just finishing an outdoor session with some clients. They were up and out very early. H was not interested.
Then I went off to Goring for my art workshop. I was able to park by the Miller, which helped because I had quite a lot to carry.

The workshop, all 5 hours of it was excellent with plenty of demonstration. And I learnt all sorts of useful tips and techniques. A palette knife came into its own.

All interpretative efforts at the top then my effort.
H had been at home in my absence but had the company of Loren for 2.5 hours. Loren kindly left the door open so H could go in and out. But she ignored Loren’ entreaties and went and hid instead.
Our excellent workshop finished after 15.00, and as I was in my way home I received a telephone call from Ali warning ne of a nasty RTC between Streatley and Wallingford and telling me they were turning traffic around. That made driving along Halfpenny Lane interesting.
But I made it back to one very happy doggy. And we enjoyed a little downtime together before I went and picked up a few sundry items at the local filling station.
And then it was time to eat them, and relax.
Thought for the Day

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