
A decent night was passed but I awoke to grey skies. I knew rain was expected later in the day so I didn’t hold my breath.

I flexed for a bit and then dozed for a bit.

Eventually I tacked a few chores and eventually got going out and about with H, at Pangbourne. I forgot long sleeves which was not very sensible. It was breezy and cool for the walk but I kept moving apart from a little sit down on love in bench.
The river was busy with craft. But the meadows only had walkers and dogs strung out in groups.

I spied a dead fish and wondered if Ecoli had murdered it. It looked quite fresh and quite meaty.

We returned home to soup and a couple of hours downtime before collecting Fleur to take her to school for an orchestra rehearsal.

I nearly got mashed on the way by a van that appeared out of nowhere – I suspect he was 1. Exceeding 30mph and 2. Overtaking a slower car . I was already overtaking a cyclist and he was nowhere in sight in my rear view mirror. He found he had nowhere to go…luckily he missed me but still overtook me on a hill with no visibility.

Fleur was safely delivered and I returned home where I fiddled with yesterday’s wood block a bit more. And printed another marginally more successful sheet.

Nothing much else happened. Today was like an oasis – a day to rest and recuperate amongst all the manic goings on. The calm before the storm.

Last exam for F tomorrow- Physics- that’s a good one to end on! Evie finished last Tuesday.

I awoke early this morning and spent sometime hunting out passports; both found; the pet chip scanner and the muzzle. I didn’t find these although they might be in the car. The muzzle is a compulsory requirement which H just loves. Luckily she does not wear it for long.

It is acrylic landscapes today, impressionistic.

Thought for the Day

I only need a microchip scanner!






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