
That’s what the weather will do and there are suggestions of rain for tomorrow. Today has followed recent standards.

I was able to walk H in short sleeves.

I awoke a little later than I would have chosen but decided that a swim was a possibility. And it became a certainty … peaceful today… very pleasant.

Then I realised Moulsford Monthly coffee morning was taking place and thought I’d better pop in since I missed the last one. So H’s walk was round the Rec which has been stylishly mowed, with pathways weaving through longer grasses. She seemed happy enough. But, as is her wont, she eyed up the children’s play area as a possible source if crumby delights, and then the thicket that guards it for more interesting sources of dirty delicacies. I put my foot down and spoilt her fun.

Heidi enjoyed a good chat at the coffee morning, with some of the locals, informing them of her life history.

It was then time to leave, hang out the washing, grab a bite to eat and go and find somewhere to park for my art class.

The latter was not easy. There is no parking at the venu, the on-street parking spots were cluttered by other cars that got there first. I eventually found a spot some way up the road and round the corner from Pierreponts. I would probably have done better to have parked in the Catherine Wheel car park.

The Japanese wood block printing workshop was very interesting though I made rather a clumsy outcome which was due to the way I registered my paper. The tutor was lovely but some of the participants grated slightly. They wanted to walk before they could run; asking unnecessary questions about the process etc which would be answered as you actually had a go. These questions delayed our practical start. It was only a 3 hour workshop so time mattered.

I’ve a day sans art tomorrow. Sans anything much in fact which might be a relief. I can take little H for a better walk than round Moulsford Rec. Friday and Saturday are full on. Monday, I’m off to France very very early. So early, I’ll be leaving when it’s almost still Sunday.

It was almost early evening when I arrived home. And I had some urgent pruning to do in the garden to fill the garden waste bin with an eye sore that needed removing. H needed my attention and food. The washing was dry and so on and so on. The grass might get a mow although I might leave it until Sunday, just so it won’t be beckoning me again the day I get back from my trip.

Thought for the Day






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