The weather has a stable air about it currently. Cool, sunny, cloudy. Perhaps yesterday’s rain was a blip.
This morning was busy, H and I were out and about early. A quick swing round Cholsey Meadows did it.
I had matters to attend to before I went to my ‘sketching in ink and wash ‘ Workshop this afternoon.
I spent no short time preparing the materials I needed to take with me.
And before I knew it, I was on my way. Early. Quite early because I was lucky enough to find a rare and immediate parking space right by the church in Manor Road. Parking right by the church, however, did not mean that I was anywhere near the church meeting rooms. They were secretly and separately hiding away. However a kind lady guided me along, as we met up with another, familiar face, in the right direction.
The other familiar face turned out to be the nice French lady who was also at two of Denny Webb’s recent workshops.
Today’s tutor was Jonathon- a completely different kettle of fish from Denny, but very clear to understand and very good. He is also leading the acrylic workshop on Friday.
We were shown, in various stages, how to sketch a building and landscape scene in pencil, then ink then how to use colour wash to enhance it. Mine is a bit too brown- yet another case of: could do better.
stages in progress:

And then I managed to ruin it!

And there you have it.
I had to rush home to gather up H.
There was just time whilst at home to cuddle my neglected doggy before taking her to the Illis to join Minnie for a bit of a play date, whilst the rest of us attended a birthday celebration for George out at the Royal Oak in Yattendon.
It’s a while since I’ve been there (about 30 years, to be more precise, for a Chambers ‘do’) . Fantastic place. Great food. Thank you Dave, my fish was delish.
I may not have mentioned, that, during the same time era, we also had a chambers ‘do’ At the B and W.
During this meal, we had to play Uno. It’s a while since I’ve played Uno and the rules and cards have all changed. I did not win! I might even have come last.
It was time for home. It’s been a busy day with a lot going on.
Off to France in Monday for H’s rabies jab… it’s been a while.
I believe the Tories have launched their manifesto.
Thought for the Day

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