Wet start

Happy 15th birthday to George.

It tipped down with rain overnight and during the early part of the day . But hey ho, it has not rained for a while so the damp was quite helpful. And it cleared off to leave the rest of the day dry.

I dragged myself off to Didcot to join the swimmers. Most of them seemed to be in the slow lane – eight at the start but by the time I exited, there was no one else around.

I returned home, with a short while to spare, before going to pick up Fleur after today’s exam, which was Maths. I made some soup for later.

Tomorrow she has Chemistry and History (ugh) and then a couple of exam-free days before her final exam on Friday which is physics.

Evie finishes her A Levels tomorrow. And Pen is off to other schools, (including one in North Oxford) in her role as a moderator of GCSE and A Level Art. And is visiting us for a couple of days

So, tonight, Pen and I are off to the B and W for a meal together.

Having collected Fleur, H and I set off for Pangbourne Meadows exploring a little further than we have been before. H paddled, explored the river’s banks, had an exchange with a Swan and attempted to scavenge from anyone sitting down.

It was quite chilly and I had forgotten to bring sleeves, but the chilly edge soon wore off. We came across the love-in bench not seen since the winter floods. It was now several hundred metres downstream wedged up against new vegetation. But I now know there is a resting place for me downstream.

We trundled home where I ate the soup that I had prepared earlier. And I may have dozed off for a short/ish length of time.

It was then time to prepare myself for Pen’s arrival which was very timely. We sat outside enjoying the Thames as it floated by. And dinner was tasty in a surprisingly busy B and W. It would have been helpful if the bread and olives had not been overlooked and had arrived a bit earlier. Our main meals were hot on their heels.

It is George’s birthday today – he turns 15. Happy birthday G. This time next year, he will be doing GCSE’s .

After saying farewell to Pen, I sank into a chair and that was that.

Thought for the Day

I don’t want to hear any more politicians saying, “We have a plan” “It is fully costed,” “A bold and clear plan.” Nor do I want to hear Rishi lie any more when he says “Our plan is working,” “Labour will put your taxes up by £2000.”






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