
After chilly yesterday, today has been a lovely summer’s day.
A day when the sky was gold and blue once it had shaken off the early morning grisaille which presented itself around 04.00; a day when the red kites swooped using the thermals to wheel and drop, uttering their plaintiff mews; a day where the ponds lay still and reflective until Minnie ruptured their mirrored surface; a day where I needed shade to keep me cool and cold drinks to keep me even cooler.

It was a day to have brekkie chez the Illis as I returned Minnie; a day where little H sought the warmth of the sun swiftly followed by the shadows of the fence; a day where some of the plants craved water; where the red petunias announced their arrival in garish splodges; and my tomatoes and beans decided they would grow more strongly and produce fruit. I hope.

It was a day when the grass threatened me with menace if I did not extract the mower from the shed . A day where the weeds in the front gravel demonstrated that they had refused to keel over in the spray of the weed killer. Stronger measures will sort them out.

So, it was quite an active day until the mower turned me into a hot sweaty mess. By the time the grass received my attention, I had walked the dogs, been to the Illis and completed various other routine chores that have slipped my memory.

It was also a day to relax outside in the recliner enjoying a gentle breeze that whispered its way across the garden.

Wet doggy

Before the cut

My cucumbers are not too happy; they have a rather curled up look. Probably something to do with the fact that the overnight temperature at nearby RAF Benson dropped to 3C. So I am told … I was not there.

I watched some interesting TV on Country File and the Antique Toad Show how ordinary people in different areas helped prepare for D day. Or were affected by the preparations for D Day.

Thought for the Day






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