The weather is quite grumpy today. It started off dull, breezy and damp and is about to end that way. It has also been quite chilly.
I was unable to go swimming because I had to get George to Oxford by 10.00 for some hockey function or other. Well… I could have swim at 06.30 but I was not really awake enough.
I took Heidi for a quick walk around Streatley Rec – which was pleasant enough. And thence on up the Coombe to pick up George who was eating his brekkie. And, therefore, not ready.
The journey to Oxford was uneventful, no hold ups although we arrived with only 2 minutes to spare. Thanks to the breakfast.
We had travelled via the western route but the Satnav chose to return me by the eastern route. So Heidi had a little tour with me.
I felt quite tired upon my return so grabbed a quick ten minutes for a chillax.
And then it was time to head for Hampstead Norreys community shop and cafe to meet Brenda.
Some clowns had scattered themselves and their vehicles across Streatley Hill as I headed up it. I assumed there had been an accident or a cyclist had been mashed up. But the vehicles gathered themselves back together and moved off and up.
We sat outside at Hampstead Norreys although there were occasional sprinkles of rain. The good folk of Hampstead Norreys are very lucky to have such a community shop. It sells useful groceries , gifts, cards, delicatessen stuff and magnificent cakes. I got very excited and bought some potatoes intending to make a shepherds pie. But the mincemeat had gone missing.
Bought it yesterday and have obviously placed it somewhere really stupid. It will turn up all rotten and manky.
Burt accosted me a couple of days ago anxious to tell me some drivel or other to which I did not want to listen. I think he might have been trying to tell me they were about to replace their car. Not before time. They seem to be happy to sink a fortune into their ancient Citroen (20 years) . Picasso. But it lingers on although the hoover has been out which hints that it will be going elsewhere.
I watered the plants, some of which are too dry so it will now inevitably rain. The clouds look like we are due a downpour. The grass still needs a cut.
I manhandled the bins to the front of the house. I’m wondering if there will be more wrangling over the garden waste bin, which only got collected last time after two telephone calls and then me physically flagging down the waste operatives on a Saturday morning. Consultation with their iPads led to more denials about my bin from them. The issue seemed to be the state of my payments but I had been told twice by the bosses in the office that my payments were in order. So I had no intention of letting them go without the contents of my bin.
Disobeying what the iPad said was almost too much for them to contemplate but they surrendered in the end. Tomorrow is a new binful. And it is heavy because it contains the bundle of T’s walking sticks, gathered over the years that Dave and G broke up. The heap had adorned the front garden for a year or two. Time for it to go.
Oh Jurgen – just seen your legs for the first time ever! Lucky Ulla! You have now superseded Stevie in the leg department. He was once top leg man. And both of you have buggered off.

Nice doggy too.
Lovely Loren will be here in the morning. I need to try and swim first. Pool legs just don’t do it for me.
Thought for the Day

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