Up and down

The weather was a bit up and down today. Sunny and pleasantly warm in the morning and dull and cloudy this afternoon.
I have just read of a forecast where we are promised 50 days of rain this coming summer, which is a lot. Apparently.

I overslept big time, which was unsurprising because the earlier part of the night was quite disturbed. I don’t know why. But I eventually awoke around 08.30, a previously unheard of time, so too late for a swim.

Afternoon swimming opportunities have been wiped out due to school holidays and now family swims dominate the day on the booking line.

I thought I might as well make decent use of the dry weather, so I stripped the bed – much easier now I am using a single duvet. And the sheets were soon hanging outside in the sunny breeze. And I even got new ones onto the bed.

H and I went for a wander along a deserted Lardon Chase. Cowpats were evidence that invisible cattle were still around. It was clear and bright whilst we were out. T is now surrounded by long grasses and insects therein. I just hope he is happy there. I will be, one day.

I went to Vicars and purchased some large frozen bones, one of which I defrosted in the microwave and passed to H. She wandered round the garden, the bone between her jaws, looking for a suitable place to chew it. Our garden is hardly large so there was not a lot of choice for her. She seems to have laid it to rest somewhere.

The original plan for today, was for me to take Fleur to her friend’s in Curridge, but Dave’s early return from Leeds ( on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday) meant he could take her. Instead he has substituted that trip with a trip to Oxford with George on Thursday morning. For a hockey event.

I’m unable to collect him at the end of the day because I’m meeting Brenda at the Community shop in Hampstead Norreys. One of her early trips out behind the wheel of her car.

Nothing much happened during the rest of the day – I caught up with Malpractice on TVX which is a five parter medical drama. And, woke up in time to watch the final of Race Across the World. Sadly, the ending lacked the drama that you sometimes get, but the ‘whole’ was still a good watch.

Thought for the Day






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