I could pretend the weather was tired. If a grey, still, dry day where nothing much is moving signifies tired weather, then that will do. Or maybe it is just tired with not being summery.
But it is actually myself who is tired. Sitting in the car in a traffic jam is wearisome. So is a 3 hour drive that took 6 hours.
I did not need to take Fleur to school in the end because Ali took her before going to mix with the rich and famous at the Chelsea Flower Show. Well Amanda Holden was there today along with Mylene Klaas.
As for me – the steers were not visible on Larson Chase so H and visited Tony. It was as cloudy and dull so he was not very communicative.
Having picked up Fleur after her exam, I finally finished potting up the plants I had, except for the wisteria, and the fuschia at the front. I’m having second thoughts about the wisteria because, apparently, it is not good for fences. It pulls them over.
As I was weed killering some of the weeds in the gravel at the front, I had a quick chat with Tracey and Enya – another exam teenager.
I finally got myself packed and sorted and into the car and then H and I were off.
I’m a bit of a country bumpkin these days and have not used the M1 for years. All this heavy, big traffic is quite alarming. The M4 is gentle in comparison.
However just getting to the other side of Oxford was my first challenge. Then up to Northampton, one of Tony’s old court haunts, where lorries thundered by.
I dislike Northampton – there used to be the most ghastly shopping precinct which they eventually knocked down. I’m not sure what replaced it.
After I retired, I took pity on T and sometimes went with him to NortHampton to keep him company and help with the driving. It was a long and unpleasant drive today and it must have been much worse for him from BV. And then he had a day’s work to do.
There was one occasion when he forgot his shoes and was wearing slippers. And the shops were not open before court to buy a pair of shoes. I offered him a dainty pair of black pumps I had in the car but they were rejected. I think he just shuffled in in his slippers.
The journey did not improve. Delays were long and tedious. Road(not)works mostly. I didn’t see a single active worker. Most of the M1 from Nottingham to Leeds seemed to be one long road(not)work. Horrendous.
I could not understand why Apple CarPlay was telling me it would take 2 and 1/2 hours to complete the last 50 miles. But then I did understand.
I need a different route home . Perhaps I’ll go via Wales. It won’t take longer. The final straw was a warning of a 40 minute delay just before I got to Leeds.
The hotel is comfortable and the staff welcoming. They do an amazing, huge salad. Loads of different veg in it, finely chopped, which saved me from having to do the hard bit. H was able to join me in the dining room. Where her behaviour was impeccable.
H had a couple of strolls round the car park which served their purpose. I may take her to Farnley Beck in the morning. It is nearby.
Thought for the Day

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