Drab is the single word the weatherman used to describe the coming day’s weather. He was a bit conservative in his choice of vocabulary. It has been very very rainy all day. And grey. Revolting might have been a more accurate description.
I didn’t feel much like getting up and going for a swim, but I did. The pool was busy when I arrived, the slow lane was like the M25 on a bank holiday. But the traffic eased and there were a few peaceful lengths before more ‘vehicles’ arrived.
Back home, the plan was to walk H on Lardon Chase and go and have a little chat with T. The rain was not too heavy at this point – it was around 10.15. I had to be at the Downs to collect Fleur after her physics exam.
However steers are back grazing on Lardon Chase, young and frisky looking beasts, who came to the gate to say hello. They were rather blocking my route on to the Chase, hanging around in front of the gate, gently snorting. H was transfixed but refrained from barking. But I was mindful that only a comment from her might get them all excited and I had no wish to fall victim to hooves of excited cattle .

So we chose a different route, which was not at all satisfactory because the track over the road is all slippery and steep, but short. So we plodded along the road and along an alternative path. It was not very pleasant and H had to be on the lead.
We picked up Fleur who seemed happy enough with her exam. Physics! That’s scary.
We came home and I launched into the remaining gardening jobs in the rain. I was completely covered in mud. My raincoat was wet and muddy, I was wet, my feet were wet. Everything was wet. But more plants were in pots. They were wet too, muddy as well. But mist smiled gratefully at me as they sank into larger locations for their roots to develo
I came in and sat down with a cup of coffee and managed not to fall asleep. My coat went in and out of the washing machine. I’m not sure if it is was able or not but it got washed.
I paid a disappointing visit to Slimming World and did not hang around. And brought myself home to have something to eat.
H was in and out of the house all evening. I’m not sure what got into her but the weather necessitated closed doors and if she was inside she wanted to go outside and vice versa. It meant that I was up and down. Once it was dark, she gave up. Thankfully.
My TV viewing included the Masterchef ginal where the competitors produced amazing food. It was close but the winner took all. Deservedly. No spoilers.
As for Fortune Hotel … and Race across the World awaits.
Thought for the Day

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