
That is today’s weather – utterly miserable, cold, drizzly turning to heavier rain. And the grey is back with a vengeance. But all my precious plants could do with a damp day. However they do not need cold! And nor do I.

I had a reasonable night’s sleep awaking around 05.30, when I steeled myself for a swim.
The pool was plagued with slow swimmers, many of whom deferred to faster ones. But a couple did not and it is quite hard work picking up enough speed to overtake. Anyway dodging in and out of other swimmers was quite preoccupying, so the swim passed quite quickly.

I returned home to take H out to Cholsey Meadows , yet again. We did not hang around.

I enrolled for the acrylic flowers course in August which sounds intriguing because it is something to do with rotating a painting and painting in different orientations. I have opted to take my own media and equipment along which makes it cheaper. And I have also enrolled for an angels course in December.

It was then time to go out to Janet’s for a soup lunch. Janet was suddenly bereaved in very difficult and sudden circumstances whilst they were in South Africa last January.

It’s been a while since I have been able to go to one of these lunches, T and I used to go together but the company was not very exciting. However today there was a very pleasant collection of people there (of a certain age) and it was good fun. And the soup was delicious. An email from Janet confirmed a greater buzz to the proceedings.

I thought I might have a snooze when I returned home, but it was not to be. It was just cold, miserable and wet.

I’m not really sure what I did do. I eyed up the outstanding work in the garden but decided to defer it to tomorrow, aka I prevaricated. Tomorrow‘s forecast is no better and I need to get on top of things before departing for Leeds on Friday.

I was looking forward to various offerings on TV tonight but my plans were affected by heavy eyelids.

Thought for the Day






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