
Sunny Sunday, although the sun was a bit unpunctual in its arrival. There was thick cloud at the start of the day, and it was still there whilst I walked H.

I had enjoyed a good night’s sleep with minimal wakefulness.

We visited Cholsey ponds again and a few people were out and about, but it was before 09.00 on a Sunday.

Giant hogweed has sprouted up all over the place. It’s a nasty plant. And can cause quite serious skin problems. It seems to be trying for a take over at Cholsey.

We were home in good time for me to prepare my shakshuka brekkie, home made flat breads and a tortilla quiche made from egg, cottage cheese, spinach , tomato and mozzarella . We also had a tray of fruit, and specially for George, – pigs in blankets.

We were able to eat outside thanks to Ali and Fleur bringing the table from the shed patio to the house patio. Alex swept stuff and strimmed my clematis out of existence. It will grow again, maybe. Luckily it was the less prolific of the two I have.
I now have furniture on both patios. Memo to self… hide the strimmer if Ali is visiting.

Dave and George turned themselves to shifting the recalcitrant rose from front garden to back garden and moving the thriving rose into the corner so it is no longer growing across our bedroom window. ‘Our’ now refers to Heidi’s and my bedroom.

They also broke up the heap of ‘walking’ sticks that lay in the front garden. They are now in the garden waste bin. Each of those sticks was gathered on a walk we did together, and there were a lot of sticks. He liked to find one every time we were out. Whenever I could, and when I thought T was not looking, I would take the stick out of the back of the car and chuck it behind the car or underneath it. Once he caught me out as I reversed and revealed his latest stick proudly lying on some tarmac.

Dave also did some weeding and the whole family carried out a variety of other chores. My cucumber plants are planted, all tomatoes are now outside. (That was my contribution) There are still flowers to pot up.

Once the sun came out around 11.00, the day turned beautiful.

Fleur did something to George’s hair which involved the hose.

I am very grateful for all the help.

I managed a few prawns and beans and tomatoes for tea.

Back to the exam rounds tomorrow, Evie has two more ‘A’s this week; Fleur has another ton of GCSEs. And then it’s off to Leeds at the weekend for Peter and Freda’s Diamond wedding celebration. This, apparently, clashes with Leeds’ play off game to get them into the premier league. Good timing that since there will be a very large number of Leeds supporters attending. I suspect. Including the hosts .

Thought for the Day






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