Still struggling to get that summery feeling from the weather, although today has been very pleasant, warm enough and cloudy/sunny.
I did not sleep that well. Wrongish… I slept quite well until 03.00 and then busy brain followed, along with patches of sleep.
I was trying to work out where all my plants might be put and might grow. There are quite a lot to deal with and the purple and yellow mini pansies which have lit up the garden of late, will soon be past their best. There is a lot of colour onnthe patio and not much colour down the right hand side of the garden.

But hopefully this lot below, will soon remedy that .

It has been a bit of a non-stop day, once I got going.
The lovely Loren came to clean the house. Their house move has completely fallen through which is really bad news for them, but they have reorganized their thinking and their plans and are going to be more modest in their expectations of a home in Cumbria. Rather than move into something requiring a lot of work, they will look for something less demanding once their own house is under offer . It is off the market at the moment which is good news for us. ( she works for Ali and Dave too)
I walked H at Cholsey and we soaked up the sun for a few moments and then I returned home and braved Waitrose.
I has been considering buying a wisteria last year but they were horribly expensive. Waitrose currently has more modestly priced and sized Wisteria plants for sale, so I have bought one to trail along a bit of fence somewhere. It can join the clematis. I also bought a pot for Peter and Freda’s tall pélargonium and a couple of white plants to enhance it a bit. I have to be careful about weight. None of us are getting any younger.
Waitrose had no cottage cheese! It is needed for an intriguing recipe I have found. Luckily Lidl stepped up to the mark when I went there later.
Lidl is the compost supermarket of choice for the 20Litre bags. I bought six. There were none left stacked high up so I had to bend low and lift them into the trolley and then the car and then drop them down on the ground at home. Then lift them in order to get them through the front door and into the back garden. I only split one, to scatter its loam in a trail along Loren’s lovely clean floor.
I’ve certainly done weights today!
It was time for a sit down and a late lunch/ early evening meal.
I admired the trio bells I had planted earlier, into fence pots and I then repotted Peter and Freda’s plant to my design. I am now just left with the collection pictured, to deal with on Saturday. And the cucumbers.
I thought I would tackle the class tomorrow until I remembered I had a bluebells workshop to attend. An expressive watercolour one.
Thought for the Day

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