The weather has been nice today – cloudy – sunny and quite comfortably warm. But not hot. Just as the title weather word suggests.
The night passed, also quite nicely, and I was awake at the usual early time. I did not feel inclined to go swimming but decided it might be a good idea because there probably would not be time tomorrow. It was a decent swim with the lane varying in density of occupation. ie between 2 and 6 people.
I thought there might be a local Moulsford coffee morning today, but it seems not. Maybe I missed it last week. The absence of a coffee morning made this morning much simpler to deal with.
So I returned from swimming, to find flashing blue lights at the junction of Halfpenny Lane and the Wantage Road. This is a T junction and I think it is a very dangerous one. This is because Halfpenny Lane joins the Wantage Road on the crest of a hill, where vision is restricted to the left and the right because they are both downhill.
Anyway a diversion through Cholsey was required where I encountered a lot of other diverted traffic. I suspect the accident looked worse than the reality. This is because by the time I had driven the diversion, traffic was appearing out of the other end of Halfpenny Lane by the filling station.
I retrieved Heidi and we went out walkies round Cholsey Meadows which was all very pleasant. She makes a lovely companion and when I sit and do the mindfulness on a bench bit, she does doggy mindfulness too. And we have a love in.
Heidi has had to get used to her own company more these days. There was always someone in the house through the lock down years and T was often at home if I was out. But there are times when I can’t take her with me – eg to swimming or SW or the dentist, or it may be too hot if I have shopping to do. She bears it with good grace and I get a wonderful welcome home.
I then mowed the grass. I think I am getting quicker at doing this. And I talked to my plants for a while and told the ones in little pots where their final resting place will be, before going to collect Fleur after her two exams today.
Before and After…

Psychology and History- what a delightful combination. She had a delayed start so was a bit late coming out which meant I had to dash to Slimming World.
There, I’ve more than made up for last week’s naughtiness. And I won the weekly raffle which consisted of ingredients for the dish in the pic below. All very nice.

H was pleased when I returned and spent the evening roaming between the house and the garden.
The BBC got its knickers in a twist, and I couldn’t stream the early evening news live. Just got lots of buffering. Non-live programmes streamed fine. But I drifted off into another world for a while this evening. And then went to bed.
Thought for the Day

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