Same as…

Yesterday- yes the weather has been the same as yesterday, and as most of last winter, after heavy overnight rain. The day has brought blustery winds, but perhaps a little warmer than yesterday. Not that I would want to sit out in it.

I had a really bad night’s sleep for some reason or other.

I was waylaid by a very good miniseries on TVX called Manhunt starring Martin Clunes. It told the true (ish) story based on three murders in Met land and also drew on the Surrey murder of Millie Dowler from Walton on Thames , all around 20 years ago. The killer of all of them was Levi Belfield. A nasty piece of work who you would not want to meet if you were travelling on a bus at night. Or at any time, come to that.

H and I had a swift walk at Cholsey, avoiding the usual route due to long wet grass, we clung to the gravel tracks. Not so many people about today.

I chatted to my plants and discovered the runner beans that I planted outside are germinating.

And then it was time to drive to Benson to see the hygienist. She scratched and scraped and then released me.

I had decided to travel straight from there to Didcot for my swim, just to save time really. My swim was as pleasant as ever apart from trying to avoid groups of people who swim an occasional length and then congregate along the end of the pool. They just sort of get in the way.

And then it was back home to H and a little downtime. I discovered the grass is overdue for another cut but it is too damp still. And that was when I inspected my plants and decided to record their progress. I think I might need slug pellets … I seem to remember some runner beans being decapitated many moons ago.

My runner beans are germinating

A renegade runner bean planted inside a couple of weeks ago. One of the leggy ones – it can join the others.

Hardening off two more advanced tomato plants and two courgette plants purchased at the weekend. One tomato is a cordon and one is a tumbler. Cherry varieties.

Germinating tomatoes outside – better to travel in hope…

These were my leggy tomato plants that I repotted. I shall move them outside soon.

Dwarf Cosmos flowers – should be pretty

Watch this space for progress images. ( And possible disasters)

The evening passed in a deep doze. Probably a result of the previous night’s lack of sleep.

Thought for the Day






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