That’s the word the weatherman used to describe the weather for today. And he was not wrong. What a contrast to yesterday. Today has felt very chilly despite the car thermometer indicating a warmth rating of 18C. It didn’t feel like it. And a chilly wind that became more blustery as the day drifted on did not help.
I had a reasonable night but was awake early, as usual. I decided to grip the day and flexed and then walked H around 06.30. At Cholsey. There we met lots of other early dog walkers, none of the relaxed strolling that you encounter later in the day. These folk were striding out with a fixed determination. It was a bit like Piccadilly Circus.
I needed to be out swimming earlier than usual, because, a couple of months ago, I had been invited to join a group of swimmers who assembled for coffee on the third Monday at Root One Garden Centre near Wallingford (of no cucumber fame) . Hence Heidi’s early walk.
Unfortunately, I had got myself in a bit of a muddle. Today is not the third Monday of the month, it is the second. So all my early efforts were a bit needless. And quite unnecessary.
My pool lane was full … of three people when I started, but by the time I finished, a few more had joined in. And interfered with my rhythm. I was reminded by another swimmer that next week was coffee at Root One week.
I visited Waitrose to pick up an order for Alex. And purchased a few groceries whilst I was there. Early on Monday, is a good time to visit Waitrose, the car park was quiet as was the shop.
By now, it felt very chilly so I came home to eat a brunch – freshly bought plaice and salad. And that had a predictable effect.
I dealt with some administrative matters and prepared myself to take Alex’s packages over, and some docs for FSP, which I hope she can take to the office rather than putting them in the post.
Talking to Fleur after her English Lit exam – she seemed relieved it was over, and quite happy about it. Macbeth and Scrooge featured. It is an exam in which she particularly wanted to do well.
I heaved most of my compost bags from the front of the house to the back terrace, so they are ready to go into my fabric grow pots. Trouble is – now that winter has returned, I am concerned that some, not so hardy plants, will take umbrage and sulk. And get depressed. It was all going so well at the weekend. No way was I going to sit outside today!
Thought for the Day
Stormy does it…

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