I had a really really good sleep that was more or less uninterrupted until I awoke just before 05.00, whereupon I treated myself to some coffee, did my puzzles ( badly) and contemplated a shower and clothing.
The talk of the morning was the fabulous aurora seen all over the UK last night.

Tidmarsh, on the way to Pangbourne

If I’m awake tonight, I might try and make it to a repeat showing although I will probably have to take the car somewhere to find wider skies.
And, after admiring all the photos, then H and I were off out to Cholsey Meadows which were sunny and warm. At around 09.30. We sat on a different bench in a bit of shade and enjoyed the scenery. And houses.

And then we returned home for a few chores and a little sit down on the recliner in the garden.
After my sit down, I spent a while fiddling with garden things, mostly repotting a few plants into bigger pots and then I started the heavier work – filling my grow pots with compost ready for the young plants that would populate them. The compost is very heavy to manage so I 3/4 filled the fabric grow pots, and lugged them to their position and will top them up from another bag of compost. All fine except I have four more to go.
At 16.00 I decided to take myself out to Root One, garden centre, at Brightwell-Cum-Sotwell (where Boris is Lord of the Manor) and purchased a couple of more advanced tomato plants and a couple of courgettes. Cucumbers were there none.
I had checked the weather forecast for the next week and the lowest temperatures are expected to be around 9C and the higher ones between 17C and 23C. So warm enough to plant them out. When they have hardened off a bit.
Colourful grow pots

I used the dead wheelbarrow to help keep all the compost under control and I even managed to get all the debris into an outside bin.
I had visited Lidl and purchased more 20L bags of compost because these are more manageable for me, but they are in the front garden awaiting my attention. Along with the roses which I still have not finally sorted out.
I finished series 3 of Clarksons Farm which I found totally enjoyable. And I am slowly developing a new respect for Jeremy and all the characters who work with him. Better than series 2 which was dominated by planning issues.
Then it was on to Eurovision. Least said the better. And I think they should just go back to singers and songs without all the technical stuff. Quite a spectacle though. And I can totally understand why the British entry scored 0 points in he public vote. The singer needed to concentrate more on the song and less on his crotch.
I tried to find the aurora around midnight and again around 02.00. This is what my camera saw:

This is what I missed :

Thought for the Day

middle one is sketching Eurovision
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