Bank Holiday drearyness describes today. The day started dull and rainy. Then the dullness seemed to lift, conveniently, whilst H and I walked. But by early afternoon, the rain was really heavy and the day beyond dreary.
Our walk was very pleasant at Cholsey Meadows once more. The vegetation seems to have become very very lush with bushes overhanging the lanes and paths. Not great when wet because you get an unwanted shower. And H emerges soaking wet from the long grass before she even tackles the pins.
The ducks were somewhat full of dumb insolence, dabbling round in circles, tantalising, H by remaining out of reach.

Next – off to the Illis for a cuppa around 10.30 where I deposited H for a play date with Minnie, before departing for Newbury to meet Brenda. On the way to the Illis, the tyre warning light came on. Again. But it being a bank holiday, I crossed my fingers and continued my journey. I’m not very good with tyre pressure machines. I’ve deflated the tyres before now. I need my little friend in Wallingford to take a look.
I was a little non-plussed in East Ilsley because of a big fat yellow sign saying the A34 south was closed and drivers should follow diversion signs.
So I did. It did not take me long to realise, from observation of traffic traversing a bridge, that the A34 south was clearly open. Misleading and unhelpful. I turned around.
The A34 south was working very nicely. Further signs informed that there would be a total closure of the road. But next weekend, not now. The Highways Agency needs to get its act together.
Brenda is quite spritely these days and has a consultant appointment tomorrow .
Lunch was good (a salad) although the garden centre was quite busy. We carried out our usual gossip.
H was pleased to see me when I reached the Illis. They were having a break from revision , watching, Clarksons Farm series 3. It was easy to watch it again – and funnier as part of a group audience.
Left over briam for tea with the addition of some peas and a few prawns. And that was it.
My ankle remains uncomfortable, but on the slow mend.
Thought for the Day

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