
Today, the weather has been deceitful. The day started off grey and dull, with some warmth promised. That bit was entirely correct during the morning. But by the afternoon, the sky became overcast with some quite unpleasant dark clouds. Late in the afternoon, the rain fell. And I was cold. And we are promised torrential rain and storms overnight in places in the south east .

Today, H and I ventured back to Castle Meadows. I haven’t been there for months, mainly due to the craters in the approach lane. They were even worse than I remember. I had woken up with a very sore left heel so I was limping a bit. Given my right ankle is always a problem, I was a bit of a hop along. But it helps to hero the body parts moving these days.

The meadows were as glorious as ever, and the sunshine was warm. Evidence of flooding in the lower meadows remained in the form of boggy patches of flattened grass. Cows added a bucolic touch but I think they may be a bit young and frisky as they were not exactly ambling around. More on a mission.
Unfortunately, there were vicious, near invisible, biting things around that tucked into me with a vengeance. And, also unfortunately, I had chosen to wear a short/skirt. My knees and calves were exposed and I knew the bites themselves. would come back to bite me again later. In the middle of the night probably. And they did.

Upon our return, H and I spent a little time watering the pot plants (that ensured it would rain later) and then we chatted with them and I told them to get a move on and grow.

My 2 leggy beans have survived their chilly night outside despite my chopping the top off one of them. I had put them in a bigger pot, with two sticks. As a joke as much as anything else. It’s too cold and too early for such exotic plants.

Next up was collecting F from school at 13.30 for a ‘doctor’s appointment.’ I dropped her home then I legged it to Didcot for a quick swim. I didn’t have long in the water because of timing, and also, I had forgotten my SW card and needed to go home to pick it up.

I’ve lost another couple of bags of sugar although I’ve missed the last two weeks of weigh ins etc. Two weeks ago I was in Somerset stuffing myself, and last week, at the solicitors I think.

I then popped into Waitrose for a couple of courgettes and other items. By now, it was too late to start on briam, but I had bought fish and had left over stir fry available. I was starving by the time I got to SW so even more starving when I arrived home.

It was time to sit down, only I went and fell asleep waking up with freezing toes and fingers, which took a while to thaw out.

I need to have a domestic tidy up. Maybe tomorrow. Loren will be here on Friday.

I found the raspberries that I lost nearly a week ago. No mould showing but a little darker. Lurking in a recess of the fridge. The fridge is a lot emptier these days and its contents are almost within my control.

Perhaps the weather will be nice tomorrow for local and mayoral elections. I have a poll card so I guess I should be voting for someone. Nobody has bothered to offer me any literature. Maybe the ballot paper will give me a clue.
Further research on the information highway has revealed that here, we are only voting for the Police and Crime Commissioner. Research took me to the candidates, one of whom is a criminal barrister. Simples.

Thought for the Day






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