Weather wise, today was what I would label a typical April day with warm sun at times, breezy and dry. (No showers.) All very pleasant.
I awoke with a slight headache but I managed to dispose of it.
Outside was all so pleasant, that I arose early, carried out a few chores and promptly dozed off again. When awake again, I jumped to it and H and I explored Cholsey Meadows once more. I really must get back to Castle Meadows. I haven’t been there for ages, mainly because of the crater filled approach lane.
It was so warm that I abandoned my jacket in the car, and wore a long sleeved, but light T shirt. And all was fine.
The man who had been here yesterday, with a massively long camera lens (archbishop be careful) was here again today. I asked him what he was looking for as he wandered in the reeds by the pond’s edge. Dragon and damsel flies was his response. An interesting one. I’m not sure we have had enough warm weather for hatchlings. It indeed, any warm weather. Their larvae are grotesque. The adults so beautiful.

We returned to more chores and then I was off to Didcot for my swim. What an uplifting drive. The pool was scattered with people, and little people, but emptied as pick up from school time drew near.
It was all very pleasant. And the exercise always feels good.
I then was very daring and hung some washing up outside, and, even more daring, got a reclining chair out and reclined for about 40 mins. Just feeling warm sun on your face really makes a difference.
This week is a bit of a treat without much going on. I have to be a taxi to Benson this evening for Fleur and Thursday night is Ladies’ night at the B and W, but that is about it.
The taxi was on time and I had a pleasant drive to Crowmarsh where we picked up Fleur’s friend and thence on to Benson, where I deposited them chez another friend, who was driving them to Oxford or might have been Witney, since that is who they were playing, for a Summer (??) League hockey match. Which Wallingford won.
I came home and made a delicious stirfry using vegetables out of a packet as well as some additions of my own I clouding a load of kidney beans.

Later, I found a text from F asking if I could pick her up from school at lunchtime tomorrow as she finishes early. And she finished anyway on Friday. Just a load of exams to do. Her last exam is physics! In the middle of June.
It is the dreaded Slimming World later today – having avoided it last week, and the week before I was stuffing myself in Somerset, a weigh in today is not one I relish. 2 weeks on.
Thought for the Day

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