
We had a lot of bluster from the wind today which was a very cold wind. And quite annoying.
H and I walked around Cholsey ponds, three of which had disappeared, but have now reappeared. The wind whistled round my legs but sitting in the fresh air was quite pleasant. Returning pond below.

I returned home to prepare a tasty tomato vegetable melee to eat later in the day, along with some nuts and yesterday’s humus. And I carried out a few other chores which have slipped my memory. Washing was probably one of them because the washing machine is trying to tell me something. (Noisily)

And then, in no time at all, it was time to go swimming. The pool was very very quiet today which made the swim very pleasant. The water was calm, outside the pool was calm, and there was no danger of bumping into the two remaining swimmers. I mostly swam front crawl and breast stroke with a couple of lengths of backstroke.

So very little of interest has happened. I had eyeful garden jobs but the strength of the wind put me off or gave me an excuse. Depending upon how you look at it.

Thought for the Day







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