The weather was satisfyingly dry all day – very chilly this morning at around 6C but with hints of warmth later.
But the Day itself was quite satisfying in terms of my achievements. I was busy all day and have only just sat down at 18.00.
I’m not used to days like this anymore! It has been quite a shock to my system and I appear to have closed my move circle twice. Can’t remember when I last did that.
I started the day off with quite an early walk for H, I think we were out and about before 08.00 by Cholsey Pond ( there is only really one now) . H startled the ducks and played around.
Back home, I was off out again to the Honda Dealer in Reading to have my service warning light dealt with. The nice man at Reception tutted at the way it had been booked in for major investigation.
He accompanied me to the car and trawled through its deepest, darkest computer secrets and spotted the problem. Whoever had serviced it, in January, had omitted to tick off changing the oil and air filter jobs. So my car said they needed changing in 29 days. The January twit had not filled in the service record for January 2024 either. BUT I had all the paperwork to hand.
He corrected it all and reset the computer. It was not just a question of flicking a switch to reset -the nature of the problem that triggered the light needed to be found. I could never have done that.
So, I was very happy to be able to drive home, confident (?) that there was nothing sinister that was wrong. This freed up the half of the morning that I had not needed to spend in Reading.
So, I no longer had any excuses to put jobs off. Number 1 was cutting the grass. It was long enough to fill 3 hodfulls, which weighed quite a lot. I’m glad it’s done.
And now I could go swimming and Christen my watch in the lovely Didcot chlorinated water. The pool was quite busy but gradually emptied. There was a smattering of unfortunates, including the really noisy one but he did not hang around. I chatted briefly with the nice lady from Benson but she lacked stamina today. Not for chatting, but for swimming.
A quick trip to Waitrose followed in order to pick up something I had ordered which will be explained in a moment. I meant to pick up some walnuts, but was distracted by shelled pistachios and some Spanish almonds. So I forgot the walnuts.
Heidi was pleased to see me when I finally landed back home. I had been in and out all day.
There was shopping to unload and swimming things and other matters to deal with.
I had reached an important decision yesterday which was only compounded by my feeling freezing cold when I went to bed last night. My toes, in particular, suffered but I couldn’t be bothered to get my hot water bottle, or find the electric blanket bits and pieces.
And the super king size super lovely duvet was causing me too many struggles. Its size meant it kept slipping down off the end of bed at night, in ways it didn’t when there were two of us to cover. And also, the duvet slipped inside its cover, so I ended up with not much of it under my chin. Just the case really. Also changing the cover for a clean one was fraught with difficulty, took ages, and left me knackered.
When T was so poorly, and in the hospital bed, in our bedroom, we had single duvets. His was a cheapy, because I thought it might get damaged, but mine was a newly purchased, nice Devon wool winter weight duvet. And I liked it. And I slept well under it.
After he died, I reverted to the super king duvet. But I have decided that that will remain folded on T’s bed and I will sleep under the single one. I needed a cover for it to match the other one. Hence my trip to Waitrose. To collect a cover I had ordered.
So the battle of the bed followed and now all is done and washed. And H is fed and I’ve also done something to improve my leggy tomato seedlings. ( murder) All three of them. Following internet advice. We shall see. I managed to avoid spending £5.00 on one tomato plant in Waitrose.
Oh well… I nearly saw Beyond Paradise to its conclusion last night, but caught up later. The end was a bit silly.
Thought for the Day

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