
I spent large chunks of the day inside so can’t really comment on the weather, except it was a damp start to the day. Indoors in the house, in the solicitor‘s office, in the shopping mall (Apple shop) and there is always the car.

I was out quite early with H because things were stacking up. We enjoyed a smart march round Cholsey Meadows and that was it for little H. I had Reading to negotiate.

My appointment at FSP with Catherine, the wills and estate solicitor, (dead people’s things) was scheduled for 11.30, and I arrived (eventually) with a few minutes to spare. This is Alex’s firm. I had a little trouble finding my way into the car park and then from the car park to the offices, which involved a fruitless circular tour. But I made it in the end.
Getting into the car park was a mystery. By the time my bank card had been ejected a few times, and I had dropped it under the car, reversed the car, and then picked it ( the card not the car) up off the floor, I was feeling a total idiot. A kind lady took pity on me and explained the machine would give me a ticket. Now why didn’t the machine tell me that? All it told me was that certain bank cards were acceptable. And each time I tried to stuff a bank card in the gaping jaws of the machine, it told me to turn the card round. Why didn’t it tell me I didn’t need to put the card in at all?

T’s estate should be fairly straightforward, nothing contentious and not a lot to deal with. My new will is more complex but hopefully my demise will make everyone happy.
Heidi will not be short of a new home should I beat her to it… Ali is willing, Chris would have her back, but I would really like DCR to relent and allow Penny a pet. Pen loves taking H for walks. Well… I think she does.

But for the moment, H and I are happy together. Well I am and I think she is. And those walks for Pen would be off the lead. Once H had stopped looking for me.

Alex had joined me for the estate part of the chat and we agreed to meet up for a Japanese lunch.

But first I had an appointment in the Apple shop. Oh how it is laden with technology, accessories and treats. This is where I splashed out on a new Apple Watch, one with a screen that I can actually read in daylight and inside. My other watch functions well, I just can’t see what it is trying to tell me. My new one is more fancy and with a bright screen and a few new tricks. Every time I look at it, its brilliance dazzles me. I had my old watch for 61/2 years and it gave me good service. I am hoping that no built in screen obsolescence might keep this watch on side a bit longer.

After the delicious Japanese lunch which I spent chasing noodles and other sea food delights around a broth-filled bowl, we visited Oliver Bonas. Ali returned to work.

And then, it was back to the Apple shop, for a second appointment, when they tested my phone. The wifi-free charging is not working, which explains why the new charger I bought a few months ago, did not work. They also confirmed there was a sound problem which was the main reason for being there. And then they fixed the sound problem by cleaning various orifices. And I can now hear people speaking to me in phone calls once more.

It’s a long time since I’ve undertaken actual retail therapy as opposed to the online variety. Oliver Bonas is also a shop of treats. I now have a little mini bag to hold my phone and keys when I walk H. And a powder blue larger bag to replace my current well worn one.

H was very pleased to see me once I found the way home. And I was pleased the trip was over. Burt was loitering in conversation with some neighbour or other , so I resisted the urge to put out the various bins, lest I got caught up in it all. I dealt with the bins later.

I played with my new toys, including the new watch and the excessively uncomplicated pairing and transfer of data. Bingo- it’s all up and working.

And then I made a salad and dozed off as usual. H was dozing too and the pair of us dozers got ourselves to bed.

Thought for the Day






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