
There was a shower in the early afternoon but that was it. The day dawned dullish but offered sunny intervals. But it also remained very cold. Unseasonably so.

I had to go to the tyre place and we were there before 09.00. The nice man found the naughty tyre with the lower pressure, but also looked at the tread and insisted the tracking was OK. Or I could book it in and pay for the machines to check it. Anyway I dismissed the warning light, and have only got the spanner light now.

H and I wandered round Cholsey meadows where three of the ponds are more swamp like than pond like. The birds were busy including some varieties new to me. Marsh birds, I think.

We returned home to allow me to carry out various chores, mostly admin, although H did get a brushing and some ear mats were cut off . Have to take a tidy dog to the vet. Later today.

I may have fallen asleep for a while. I made sure that I have the papers I might need for tomorrow’s meeting.

Because I had a snooze, I did not have time for a swim. H and I visited the vet for H’s kennel cough and to update her paperwork. I forgot to take her record card with me when I went for the January boosters. We are now all in order again.

I wrote a long letter to one of my cousins who lived near Leeds, forewarning them of my visit at the end of May. Heather, my older cousin, sadly has succumbed to dementia, so I wrote to Kathryn. She lives in Rawdon , Heather lives in Bramley. All of these are near Calverley. I haven’t seen the cousins for years. And years.

The commitments of the rest of the week are beginning to annoy me because I have realised they cut across most of my swimming opportunities. I hate weeks like this. H requires sorting out it walking at inconvenient times. Sunday will be my first day to choose what I want to do. All of it with a bummer of a car. Carers’ lunch will be ok tomorrow I suppose. But the rest is pure nuisance stuff.

This is the rather bold black cat who has been visiting us recently. And driving H mad. It is cute and seems to want affection. I would love to give it a cuddle.

It looks pretty amongst my flowers…

And then I discovered it has a sidekick. No wonder H has been going potty. Two black cats!! I would just like us all to be friends! Both cats are wearing collars, indicating they have a home, so I must resist the temptations they present.

Thought for the Day






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