A disturbed night- pressures of the week to come I think. The day had dawned horrible- all grey, and, upon further inspection, rainy.
I did not rush to arise in the hope the rain would stop. But it did not, so H and I strolled in the gentle wetness at Cholsey. And got sprinkled upon.
The recent wind and dry weather has evaporated a lot of the lying water, leaving bald patches in the fields. The sea near Blewbury has been ploughed over leaving a large soggy patch.
At Cholsey the ponds that are not supposed to be there, are busy trying not to be there.
After our walk, I went to Didcot for a swim. And during this trip the tyre pressure warning light decided to illuminate itself to add to my car woes. The poor old car was not sure which notification light deserved priority -the spanner warning light ( that’s been on since the Somerset return journey) or the tyre warning light, and was all discombobulated. But it held itself together for the trip to Didcot and back.
The swim was another 1km with a fair bit of front crawl. Yet another disabled group were in the pool, but a calmer , quieter group of older Downs Syndrome sufferers with individual carers. I imagine swimming is important exercise for them.
I came home and finished off making my bean stew made with actual gigantes all the way from Greece. It was loaded with every lurking vegetable that I could find, but still tasted good.
There is plenty for tomorrow.

Some of my Cosmos seeds (2 to be precise) seem to have germinated already, which seems a bit unlikely. Perhaps there were residual weeds in the compost. They will require careful nurturing.

There was nothing of interest on the TV until 21.00 with the return of Blue Lights. Series 1 was very good and series 2 has good reviews. I’ll save it until I have finished my glut of Professor T. In any case, I had dozed off after my bean stew so Blue Lights lost out.
Two of my grandchildren are involved in GCSEs and A Levels – Fleur and Evie, so good luck to them. It will be George doing GCSE next year. Time flies.
The grass could do with being cut but it was too wet today. Two dahlia bulbs found their way into pots. Tomorrow I will need to visit the nice tyre man in Wallingford.
Thought for the Day

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