It was not a good sleep last night. For starters, it was around 01.00 when I hit the sack after my shenanigans as a taxi, and by then I was quite highly wired. So it took me a while to settle, but I still awoke at the usual early hour.
I had a day of nothingness which was quite a relief after being busy and sociable over the last few days. I had intended to pot up my two dahlia bulbs and maybe mow the grass again, but I did none of it.
I spent some time researching accommodation for my trip to Bradford/ Leeds at the end of May. I selected a hotel in the end, for closeness to Peter and Freda’s , and then I discovered it was situated close to where my cousins used to live on the Leeds Ring Road, where I spent so many happy hours years ago. In the dark ages, when I was very young.
Where the extended family (of 6 people) lived in a modest semi detached house at number 101. Where I loved the swing; where I was fascinated by caterpillars amongst the nasturtiums; where they had open fires until the clean air act, and where the family ate high teas of ham, eggs and bread and butter and a pot of tea.
We played Happy Families in the ‘front room’ under promise of not making a mess. The only loo was upstairs in a green painted bathroom with a cistern which flushed by a chain.
George and May lived next door, and George used to summon cousin Heathet to the garage where he regularly exposed himself. We talked about this together when she visited us in Southport. We felt it was something abnormal but did not know what to do about it. So did nothing. Obviously Heather was not too traumatised.
Aunty Molly ruled the kitchen where there was only room for one person at a time. She made wonderful Yorkshire pudding and on every Friday, we went to the chippy in Butt Lane for cod and chips. It cost one shilling and three pence. These were very happy times for me. The family had a closeness that my own did not.
Returning to the present, day dawned very bright which made me feel very excited. Perhaps I could sit in the sun outside. I made that my plan. But first I needed to exercise my four legged friend.
We went to Cholsey Meadows, where we last went over a week ago. I was disappointed the moment I stepped out of the car. It was freezing cold! Even around 11.00am. Then I remembered the car had notified me of frosty roads during my chauffeuring exploits of the previous night.
However, once I got over the local cooling, H and I enjoyed our walk. The ponds are now mostly swamps and buttercups are beginning to dominate the grassy areas. The yellow was due to dandelions last time we visited.
But the plan to sit outside was busted.

sorry about my finger

We returned home and I cooked up a massive stir fry. These stir fry packets of fresh veg are a good way of making sure you get your 5/10 a day without too much effort.
I made up for my week of no naps and enjoyed a good one this afternoon. My watch had taken a nap too.
There was little of interest on TV soon resumed streaming Professor T which I enjoyed. I have just watched the whole of series 1 again over the last few days. And I’m ready for new episodes.
Thought for the day

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