Today, the chilliness of the weather made it unseasonal, although the amount of sunshine was probably inline with expectations. The wind continued to be a nuisance at times, especially on the beaches.
I had another very good night’s sleep here at the Luttrell Arms. Again, I did not doze during the day or evening which could be the reason why. But I was into bed quite early.
When I awoke this morning, I decided it was to be a beach day. I hadn’t really noticed the wind at that point.
Our early walk was another stroll through the Castle car park and into the meadows. It was a serene day – sunny early on.
Coming out of the hotel gate… looking out towards the car park and out to sea

Down in the car park and meadows

We met the three mad springers and the poodle again – they were out there yesterday. Their human explained that the poodle belonged to her mother who had been in an unfortunate car accident, breaking most of her ribs. About 10 days ago and due to other underlying medical conditions she was still in hospital. Her main problem being she could not breathe well, due to all the broken ribs and COPD and she was therefore on oxygen. The nearest hospital is in Taunton, an hour each way in the car. The poor lady has two disabled children to deal with as well as the 4 dogs, and a husband lurking somewhere.
Heidi heads for our private room entry .

Brekkie was a sociable affair in doggy land, which is what the residents’ lounge becomes at meal times. I had to remonstrate with H for having the temerity to bark at an other doggy occupant. The other guests are all very friendly although the conversation is often about our dogs.
So, I thought we would revisit Dunster Beach area which we did, following the surfaced track towards Blue Anchor, called the Steam Trail. Most of the way the beach was separated by a low cliff but it was very pleasant with the odd bench on which I parked my backside. Debris, and rocks, presumably brought up by the winter tides had been swept off the path. All was very lovely until we turned round to find ourselves in the teeth of the wind.

I had to have words with H because just as we were nearly back at the car, she turned round and disappeared. Completely disappeared. She eventually reappeared up a precipitous track from the beach.
This made me realise that we needed to go to the beach near Butlins where access was easier. So that was where we went next. It was here that H went bonkers … chasing round and round in huge circles, then off like a rocket towards a pile of breakwater boulders .
And that was where the trouble began. She slithered into the pile of boulders through a narrow gap, and couldn’t find the way out again. Her face appeared at her original point of entry but exiting meant an uphill scramble through a gap that she deemed too narrow. I could hear her bell tinkling amongst the boulder mound as she sought another exit. Was I panicking? Honestly? Yes!
Was H panicking? Honestly? Probably.
Her face reappeared at the gap and I managed to persuade her through with a light touch from my hands.
We turned round in the opposite direction. And headed towards a more solid, lower breakwater. And I sat down on its concrete. Whereupon H came and practically sat on top of me (unheard of) whilst she recovered from the shock of the rock.

The distant breakwater and its boulders.

It was either a cafe (I needed a loo and H probably needed a drink of water. ) or back to the hotel room where I knew we could get both. I did clean out my salad container and filled it with some almost fresh water. I know H prefers almost fresh water to the pure clean variety. But she was not interested in my offering so we returned to Dunster.
Our needs were satisfied and we relaxed for an hour or so before seizing on another short walk before the evening meal.
Dinner was very good in the doggy dining room. I’m getting to know two couples quite well. One of the couples had a disastrous trip to Porlock Weir today. There was a big funeral and no space to park and they failed to find any cafes. Well Pen and I know where they are.
Tomorrow is departure day. It has been a lovely break – worth every penny. Including the original one with a capital P.
Thought for the Day
With Tony in the area in 2022 and 2023, though why he had a dog’s poo bag on his head remains a mystery. I expect it was a clean one. Love him!

The photo immediately above was inadvertently repeated this morning. (Below)

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