I slept really well last night. Probably because I was up late due to our Scrabble game. H seems to have slept well too.
I arose and showered taking H out around 07.00, up the steep, private steps and out of the garden gate and into the NT grounds of the Castle. It was lovely walking because we started off wandering in the deserted car park, where I could use its gravel tracks and H could run around in the lush grass and into the meadows where she found a few friends to play with. It wasn’t a particularly long walk but it took the edge off her energy and allowed her to be more comfortable. I had forgotten my phone which was a shame, because the early light on the graceful trees was beautiful.
It was a bright but blustery start to the day. And so it continued for most of the day, and the wind dropped a bit this evening.
It was really, really lovely having Pen’s company for the day, not least because we were able to share the visits we made and teas and coffee and ice dreams. And she reminded me how careful about her diet she was being. As she tucked into a huge fruit scone with only a little bit of jam and cream.

After my early castle stroll, we enjoyed a splendid brekkie, and Heidi her sausage, and then we took ourselves off and out.
I introduced Pen to the local sights and to Minehead which she did not know. We studied Dunster Beach and the Walk to Blue Anchor but the tide was high and it was still windy.
I knew Pen would probably be desperate to see Butlins and some of the tackier parts of Minehead. It was truly difficult to resist the temptations of the amusement arcades, but we did!!!
In no time at all, we were off through glorious countryside to Porlock Weir. Here, we strolled around, and visited, a few cafes and craft shops. One had wonderful pottery in it. It was around midday and the tide was just about at its highest. The anchored boats were gently bobbing, straining at their carefully measured restraints so they did not bash into each other.
Heidi had another opportunity to explore some of the more dubious parts of the beach area where rotting boats lurked hiding all sorts of disgustingness.

It was not busy here today , just very pleasant. We left Porlock Weir behind and drove towards Lynmouth using the toll road as opposed to Porlock Hill and its steep hairpin bends.
By the time we arrived in Lynmouth, the sky was seriously blue and the sun had some warmth. Lynmouth is quite sheltered, and Pen took me to the tourist information office, above which is a charming cafe. The place where you eat massive scones. I watched and made do with an ice cream.

Today, Heidi had plenty of short walks and a final, much longer one with Pen, round the castle meadows and river, whilst I enjoyed a pedicure. There, I chatted with the hotel reception person who seems to rank high up in the organisation of this very friendly hotel. She was awaiting a massage.
It has been a lovely day. Thank you to Pen and family for sparing her to surprise me.
It got to around 16.30 and it was time for Pen to depart.
H appeared quite knackered and I was ready to relax.
Pen had recommended the cod she ate yesterday, nestling on beans and Jerusalem artichoke purée. I followed that recommendation tonight. It was delicious. They cook food well here.

I took H and myself off for an early night. She seems very content. She has enjoyed a gourmet day with titbits of cheese and other doggy treats. And has that stretched-out-and lie-tired doggy look. I hope we get to a beach tomorrow where sand is not flying. But the temperatures are forecast to be low at 12C.
With … yes… wind.
Thought for the Day

Pen bought the mug. This is my morning coffee. Wednesday. The cups here are a bit dainty for me!
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