
I wish I could believe that Spring has sprung but it’s not really warm enough. April showers – yes. Lots of them although today has stayed mainly dry. It might not remain dry, however, dark clouds loom on high.

This morning was doomed to be busy. I did not have time to swim. Just as well really because my swim things were soaking because I forgot to remove them from the basin of water where they lay.

Once up, and more with it, H and I made a dash for a walk at Cholsey because we had a busy morning ahead of us.
I had made plans with Ali the night before but these seemed to be in a state of flux by the morning…
It continues to be the silly season for roadworks. I needed to pick up George from his home which involved the usual long detour along single track roads. However, a big yellow notice informed me that the usual detour was a no through road, residents only allowed. How much more silly can this get???

I boldly ignored the notice, drove the detour, negotiated my way round all the big heavy bits of machinery and observed the men (static) admiring them, and picked up G and delivered him to his friend in Hermitage.

I was going to leave H at the Illis on Saturday while I visit friends. However … wait for it… someone has decided to close the whole road junction at Streatley traffic lights for the whole weekend. There is no way round other than travelling north to the A34 and back via Compton. Of course, this is a complete nonsense.

Today, I was travelling to Bishopstone near Swindon to meet Anne. The trip to Hermitage meant I had to use the M4 where I got entangled in more roadworks. But the journey was otherwise smooth.
The pub was great – they produce their own food from their own farm… there is loads of outside space and today they had fired up the BBQ for the first time this year. They call it their outside kitchen. They have rooms too and are very dog friendly. A great experience.

Anne is off on a grand tour of Europe in May, with her sister in law, Gillian. Gillian spends money on high end accommodation and activities. How can you spend £4000 pp on a coach tour of Portugal, excluding flights?

Two days ago, poor old Frankie was robbed of her mobile phone as she walked back to her hall of residence near the Olympic Park in London, after having a meal out with Ali and F and G. Given that a similar attempt (failed) happened to Ali and Fleur a few weeks ago, perhaps something should be done to ensure it is not such an attractive thing to do. ( castration ?) Apparently mobile phone theft is of epidemic proportions in London. Maybe I will drop Sadiq a memo.

Poor old Frankie, I believe Ali tried to help cheer Frankie and her friends up with Lego, food and company. And a visit to an Apple shop.

Thought for the Day

Innisfree has set my mind thinking – for many years a favourite poem of mine. Then I found the Tolkien one too. Girls – if you are reading this – the Lake Isle of Innisfree will do nicely at my funeral …

And while I’m about it – music – … Ewan McColl singing The Joy of Living – we used to listen to this whilst driving through Cretan Mountains…

It was always my tune …






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