Yes – yet more precipitation and accompanying wind later. Having put away the garden cushions because the wind kept lifting up the protective cover, I felt satisfied that they were in the dry.
H was not very interested in going out first thing. But then, neither was I! It was around 06.30 when I awoke… and booked a swim .
My new/old goggles continue to do a very good job. Amazon requested a review of the Orca pair and I did not hold back in my criticism. Today was quiet at times in the pool. This meant the water was not all choppy and rough. My left shoulder gave me permission to swim front crawl and I did so for nearly half my swim. That is a big step forward. The smooth water helped.
I returned home to shower and to pick up H to take her to the monthly coffee morning just as the rain was just starting in earnest. My plan had been to walk across the Rec for coffee but the rain was a bit off putting. So we drove.
It was pleasant enough catching up on the lack of local gossip. I now know Janet’s husband died of sepsis in South Africa. She was very kind to myself and Tony …She was not there today and has only been back in the U.K. for about a week. Her husband, Breyan ( or similar) was a very pleasant man and although they were both supporting a church in South Africa, they did not preach or judge.
Following the coffee morning, H and I went on a series of errands which included collecting her Bravecto and worm tablets from the vet and activating my bank card by sticking it in a machine. I was lucky to find parking along Goring High Street which also led me into Goring Grocer. Their cooking does not suit me as well as it used to, but there is a nice lady in there who is always trying to lead me astray. I bought a potato dish which went nicely with salad later.
We popped into the wonderful hardware and ‘absolutely everything else’ store and picked up some seed compost for my bean and tomato seeds.
And we finally grabbed a walk in Cholsey. I resisted the enticements of the Oxshed and dropped a damp H at home before going off to SW.
SW yielded another half bag of sugar gone. Next week is not going to be very good because I am away in Somerset for three days. But I’ve booked myself out of SW because I am away.
I’m quite excited to discover Professor T is into Series 3 – I’ve only ever watched series 1.
I’m quite deeply angry to read about the prosecution of carers’ for continuing to claim (mostly inadvertently) the £80.00 pw carers’ allowance, whilst they are still working. You are allowed to earn around £150.00 a week before you forgo it. If you are a pensioner you are not allowed to claim it at all. That is what your pension is for – to pay you for caring for someone. That is what I was told. Strange I thought I earned my pension to keep me ticking over through my retirement. £80.00 a week for caring for someone, often for 24/7 is an utter insult. They say it is for 35 hours care per week.
Moving on … tomorrow I’m meeting Anne at a new venue near Swindon which looks interesting. I have to divert to drop George in Hermitage, so I shall probably use the M4 to get there. Streatley Hill is still closed due to the roadworks so it will be the roundabout route to pick him up.
It is very warm in Crete now…

Thought for the Day (tomorrow)
Let’s hope it lives up to its expectations …

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