
A bit of a patchy night, last night, but I managed to sleep between disturbances and resisted the urge to visit the kettle at some silly o’clock. I finally woke after 06.00, feeling tired already, in the knowledge I needed to go for a swim.

We made it before 08.00. It was another cloudy day but there had been no noticeable rain – the roads were dry.
The pool was pleasantly quiet so I and my brand new goggles (a make called Orca which is new to me, but top goggles on the Indy review list) entered the pool. The goggles quickly filled up with water and the underwater vision they offered was absolute rubbish. Every other pair of goggles that I have ever worn, however cheap, or however expensive, has always corrected my vision, so that underwater, everything is sharp. But not these goggles.

I kept adjusting them over the lengths, until I reached length 32, when they finally stopped leaking water in. Of course the vision remained dire. Another waste of money and possibly a snotty review from me. Further research is required.

I returned home after my exhaustive efforts for a drink and a sit down, and one thing led to another. And the next thing I knew it was mid morning.

‘Ok … let’s go to Pangbourne,’ I said to Heidi. She wagged her tail in agreement. We had not been there for a couple of weeks when it had still been very soggy and spongy. In places. But in other places the water was evaporating and muddy areas were hardening and were much dryer. So I assumed Pangbourne would be the same.

Silly me – the grass leading from the free car park was pooled with water- as bad as I have ever seen it – all the way along, some of it quite deep. Wellies were required and mine were at home.
An alternative venue was required – I briefly contemplated Lower Basildon but that was likely to be boggy too, and I didn’t have my NT card to do Basildon Park, so we headed back to Cholsey. And there we had a lovely wander around the ponds. There were hints of sunlight and hints of warmth.

Upon our return, Burt was lurking outside and making determined noises as he advanced towards my car and to Heidi, but I just manage to get from the car to the door before he made it to us. He really is a nuisance.
And as to what his purpose was outside, other than trapping neighbours, I have no idea. Tracey was passing with 3 of her dogs which set his dog off and H uttered a low growl from the safety of within the car. What a brave dog to threaten from behind the reinforced metal doors.

Strangely though, when I was with H, Tracey had been out with one of her dogs earlier and neither of them uttered a sound. But hers are well trained anyway.

After a brief sit down, eyes wide open, I mowed the grass and emptied the domestic bins. Three full, heavy hods of clippings today, mostly full of dandelions, which I should not have mowed. Bees like them. Sorry bees, but there is lots of blossom around. I once had 6 hodfuls. That was hard work – a couple of years ago.

I was glad to get the grass fed because it tipped with rain later, and on and off, all evening.
I have been indulging in serious catch up of the last series of the Crown. Interesting fantasy. I stayed awake quite late and should have gone to bed whilst ahead of the game…

Thought for the day






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