Yes, the sun was diffident today. Rain had been heavy again, overnight, but the day was forecast to be cloudy and windy which was correct. But the sun did its best to pop out and greet us. Not all day, just at times.
I was awake at some silly o ‘ clock but fell asleep again. When I finally awoke around 06.30, I had to make an urgent decision, to swim or not. The affirmative won and I was soon on my way to Didcot, although half asleep. Halfpenny Lane was open though giant machinery was evident. There are no obvious improvements to the road as a result of yesterday’s efforts. Or lack of.
The pool was very quiet and the swim enjoyable. Halfpenny Lane was closed for the return journey so I travelled via Cholsey.
Our cleaner, the lovely Loren, has had a tricky week due to one of her children getting chicken pox. So she adjusted her time to clean and then adjusted it back again. The house was not tidy, luckily she is unphased. We chatted a bit, then I left with little H.
I had decided to visit a new venu for a walk near Wantage but we just got tangled up in thick traffic backing up, which was a result of an accident on the A34 near Marcham . So that idea was abandoned after some traffic jam touring near Didcot, and we headed for Hagbourne.
By now, it was very breezy but H did not care and frolicked around. My phone was playing up, in that notifications were not audible, in fact it was making no sound at all. I restarted it and checked the sound settings. I could not read my watch face nor hear my phone. Someone suggested a hammer which was a sensible solution.
A phone call from Chris broke the silence and he reported on life in Crete as he carried out various chores. I think he was responsible for the hammer idea.
I abandoned him because by now I was at the Orchard Retail Park in Didcot and I needed to visit the nice loo in M and S. It is not nice any more- it is not there. And their cafe has gone too. A helpful employee informed me that in precisely 43 stores, management had got rid of cafes and loos. For goodness sake! This country has finally gone beyond the dogs.
I visited the pet store and Cook and returned home. How the roads have dried up since early this morning. Halfpenny Lane was open again, at 15.30. They were supposed to be working until 18.00. More examples of how not to go about a job: start a day late, work on a day not listed, finish early, show no improvement.
At home, I fed us both and then went to sleep.
And woke up again a while later.
Michael Sheen is wonderful. By accident, rather than design, I just watched a very humbling and moving programme called The Assembly, which is part of Autism Acceptance Week. Sheen was interviewed by a group of 35 neurodivergent / learning disabled people with a variety of different questions to put to him. His responses were wonderful- gentle, patient, positive, natural and insightful. Worth a watch.
One of the group read a Dylan Thomas poem: ‘Do not go gentle ….’ It was a reading of rare beauty.
It ended with a group of them playing and singing ‘Here comes the Sun…’. We played that for T at his funeral. He also loved the writings of Dylan Thomas.
(I can now tell you that the Guardian agrees with me about Sheen)
Thought for the Day

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