The day was transformed from the blue almost cloud-free skies I woke up to, walked in and enjoyed in the garden, to ghastly rain and glowering, grey skies.
I dragged myself to Didcot for an early swim. It was quite busy for the first 20 minutes then it became quiet.
The sun was blinding as I left and the views uplifting. Halfpenny Lane is closed for two days tomorrow so if I am to get to Didcot, I will need a different route.
H was pleased to see me as I relaxed and showered etc before we set off on our walk.
Lardon Chase was our destination . I wanted to sit on the bench where Tony is resting. It was a clear day so I knew the views would be wonderful. And they were. It was important to be there today because Streatley Hill will be closed for the next two weeks.
I received a hug from the sun as we sat on the bench enjoying the warmth. H played with other dogs and explored the undergrowth. I think T is in a good place. Evidence of the naughty primroses and daffs that Pen planted is still there, if you know where to look for it.
Our bench

We returned home to plant the peonies, only we didn’t. I could not find the spade! I’ve seen it recently and today I spent ages looking for it. But to no avail, and I can’t plant peonies without a spade.
Instead, I sat awhile in the sun and I briefly checked out and adjusted the static bike.
Eventually, clouds drifted over and we drifted back inside. I heated up some of yesterday’s earthy soup which still tasted very good.
It had a restful effect on me causing the usual heavy eyelids. They dropped.
And I woke up to spend the evening partying! And if you believe that…
I will be under siege tomorrow and for a few days – no easy access to Didcot, no access at all to Goring and Streatley, no access to Streatley Hill .
Thought for the Day

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