Easter Day

I dropped the Sun bit from day because there wasn’t any. It remained dull. Dull but dry.

As usual, I was confused by the loss of an hour, but felt under no pressure to move from the bed.
Of course I did eventually, and H and I wandered the tracks at East Hagbourne and into the Millennium Woods, enjoying the stone circle. The woods remain very flooded in places. Our ears were bashed by the raucous shouting of young male voices. A football match I think.

The weather forecast for the coming week is unsettled and wet. So I wanted to cut the grass, for the second time this year. It had actually become very long in places and lush with dandelions. My anti dandelion granules are working but I ran out and need more. But then, I think I have more dandelions than grass.

Four hodfuls of grass and one tired mower later and I decided to stop. And the peonies would have to wait. They require holes in the ground – serious effort.

I sat down to watch season 1 of Traces (Season 2 starts later today) when I realised I had seen it before. I remember the basic plot, but no details or outcomes.I also remember I enjoyed watching it. A few repeats will do no harm.

I was due to feed the Illis a meal at 18.00. I’d had a piece of rolled turkey in the freezer since early December. Originally, I had bought it to serve three of us when Tina was visiting. I thought we would do an early Christmas meal for her. But the proposed feast was overtaken and became a much larger family event that required a larger Turkey roll. It was T’s last Christmas hurrah, held around 3 days before he died. I’m so glad we did it though Ali and Dave now took over. He didn’t eat much but did join in the spirit of the occasion.

I prepared today’s repast with a minimum of fuss but with the usual trimmings ; it worked out nicely and it tasted good. The Illis minus Fleur joined me and we had a lovely evening which included a mysterious game of Scrabble. One that didn’t seem to quite follow the rules.
Dave was half asleep – exhausted by all the golf he has played as Ali puts in practice for some competition or other. G has been playing too.

Fleur is still in the Netherlands on her hickey tour.

My newly potted plants are not growing fast and loose – more slow and shy. I’ve been offered the services of a high pressure hose along with an operator. Too good to refuse. Thank you George.

Thought for the Day






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