Be in no doubt that today has been a day of really evil weather. And my photo matches the description.
Greenham Control tower – all weather shelter ⬇️

And to think the day started so beautifully with blue skies, and drifting light cloud as I drove to Didcot for my swim around 07.00. The sun was so bright that I even had to use the sun visor as I parked up in the car park.
The swim was fine. Boring. But fine.
I was home by 09.00 so I could shower and sort myself before Debs came to deal with my toes. I no longer have a verucca. She told me that it was quite unusual, in the elderly, ( what tact) for veruccas to take themselves away. My immune system is therefore probably doing a good job.
Whilst Debs was here, the complexion of the day changed into a very grey day with lashing rain. Unbeknownst to me ( because I fell asleep) this carried on and on and the wind got up. I hadn’t realised by how much until I exited the house to find I was almost blown over. The food bins were flying around and the gate had been blown open, shoving the rock, that holds it in place, across the path.
We parked up at Cholsey where conditions were even wilder, where there were flashes in the sky and the clapping of clouds. The car was wobbled by the wind.
I had a telephone call to complete from within the confines of the car. But the sky was wild with hints of a rainbow. Only hints because the sun was weak. We were lucky to get round a short circuit in the dry.
Spot the rainbow

We drove on to Waitrose where the storm was even more epic – hail had now added itself into the mix. It was no time to leave the car as the hail piled up on the windscreen. But eventually I had to.
I had to purchase a few food items, some with Sunday in mind when I will feed the local family. I have a lump of rolled Turkey in the freezer, which did not get used last Christmas as intended, so I will choose.
Fleur is off to the Netherlands on a hockey tour for a few days. The Roberts are relaxing in Devon which received a dose of snow yesterday- well Plymouth and Dartmoor did.

Brenda has a clot following her knee surgery so I will visit her on Saturday instead of last Thursday, after she spent a long while in A and E. She is on Disprin and has got to have another scan next week.
The rest of the day slipped by.
Thought for the Day

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