
Pen doesn’t want any more weather words. She wants titles that go with the photos. Instead. So scrumpled it is. Which apparently is how my face was in the photo. But then I swapped the photos.

But the weather words will still prevail. Today the weather was obnoxious. It started all fine and sunny after really heavy rain last night. Last night had left the roads flooded once more, as I discovered when I drove to Didcot for my swim.
Blewbury Lake – the island in the middle is submerged again.
The swim was as tedious as it always is but at least my body was exercised. Or maybe exorcised.

The sun gave way to rain which came down mid-morning just before H and I set out on our walk. And it continued throughout the walk. And gradually lessened off once we were home. I was all wrapped up in my heavy duty dry robe. It was very unpleasant.
Not the dry robe, the rain.

I returned Heidi home and prepared myself for my trip to Newbury to see Brenda and her new knee. (But it was not to be … best laid plans and all that). I set off a few minutes early in order to pick up a small gift for her from Cobbs. ( the most expensive farm shop ever, but with a good value cafe)

Before I reached Cobbs, Brenda had sent a message saying she was at the GPs due to a problem with her knee which she thought hoped / was an infection. The Doc obviously was not sure because the next thing I heard was that she was at Winchester A and E, waiting to be seen. A suspected blood clot. And I have no further information as of now – 17.15.

Brenda could really do without this, she has enough to deal with. Luckily her sister is looking after her.

And health news arrived to depress from all directions. There was an ambulance parked up in Underhill yesterday, not related to any known ill person.

Anyway, whilst at Cobbs, I had a coffee and a ‘side’ of a wedge of lettuce drizzled with onion bits and Caesar dressing. It was yummy. I hadn’t heard from Brenda at that point so I returned home.

And then I went to Slimming World – another modest weight gain but the last two weeks have been disastrous as far as eating is concerned. Great for my social life but not for my tummy. ( Anne; George, Fleur, Dave; Val D; Carers; Pen and Ali; Basingstoke friends; Andrew) That makes 7 meals out without all the other various other incidents and appointments.

The next two weeks are relatively empty. I shall reset.

It is 21.30 and H and I are feeling cosy tucked up in our beds. Brenda eventually arrived home after 18.00 and several hours in Winchester. They did nothing. Wanted a scan but could not do it so she has to go to Basingstoke for one tomorrow. Utterly useless . A waste of time for someone struggling after an operation. Her sister appears not to b a confident driver so someone else gave them a lift yesterday . And had to wait with them.

I stayed awake for a while this evening and put us to bed early.

Thought for the Day

A treat to look forward to






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