And that is an understatement. The day started off dry and almost sunny, but by the middle of the afternoon rain was falling which became more and more heavy. I had hosed my bedding plants, which is probably why it rained.
I was off and out swimming around 07.00. It seems a very long time ago now. It is 18.30 as I type.
The swim was quite pleasant though I still puzzle why the slow coaches don’t wave people on so the faster swimmers can swim ahead of the slower ones.
The Blewbury lake is shrinking and seems to be growing an island in the middle. There are still swampy sections along the sides of some roads.
Back home, I prepared myself for my haircut. Ashley and I agreed it hadn’t grown that much – it is 7 weeks since my last cut. The next is booked for 9 weeks away. I expect Easter meant I brought it forward.
I then gathered up H and we took a short walk before I set off for Great Missenden to pick up our pots. I took H with me so she had company.
Whilst on the walk, we chatted to a dog walker who was attached to a large rust coloured golden retriever. She was attached by not one lead, but two separate leads. He was a lovely soft dog, but I was told he was an incredibly strong three year old and one of his owners refused to have him neutered. Hence he was kept on a lead. Not great for the dog who was really lovely. The one owner, who was anti giving him the chop, was from Spain and she wanted him to remain ‘natural.’ He was 3 years old and the lovely lady walking him was his eighth dog walker. We said farewell and H and I set off to get the pots.
I followed the Satnav to Great Missenden following the round about route across country. A very pleasant drive. But, just as when I went with Ali, the satnav returned us via the M40 – a much less loveable drive.
The pots were all packed and awaiting us. I had 5 and Ali had 4. They had been fired twice, and we had chosen our glazes for Hayley to apply in our absence. I was quite pleased. I had pulled a handle which Hayley had put on a pot I threw, destined to become a mug. I would have attached the handle better, but are clay was too soft to do it when there. My pots are below.

Alex’s pots were very good especially considering she had never thrown clay before. I joined the Illis for a very welcome cup of coffee and then returned home for left over curry.
And the predictable …
It had started to rain on the way back from Great Missenden and continued all evening, becoming more and more heavy. H refused to go out since we returned from our trip, until desperation took over around midnight. ( wide awake by then) This heavy rain will have undone all the good the last few dry days have done, drying out the ground and making for easier walking.
Thought for the Day

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