It was a grey sky from dawn to dusk with a scattering of raindrops this morning. The day promised nothing and stuck by its promise. It gave nothing.
I was off out with H at a fairly reasonable time for a quick stroll round Cholsey ponds.
she scampered and I supervised.
I had booked a table at the Coppa Club for Andrew and myself. The Coppa Club because it is on the river and Andrew had enjoyed the B and W. The Coppa Club is a chain restaurant within the up market Swan Hotel and can be very good or can be a bit ‘off’. It was very good today. I often go to their coffee place and its gardens.
Andrew was on time and we had an hour or so at home to chatter and catch up before we went out. He is well and the talk was easy.
We sat on the covered terrace, right by the river, almost in it in fact. A few weeks ago and we would have been. In wet times, the Thames sometimes invades the lower levels here which are built to recover from it, when it does.
It was a wonderful lunch which started with shared colourful, large chopped raw veg with dips of whipped feta and beetroot humus. The chicken was delicious as was the flour free chocolate cake. Not a very calorie free lunch.
We dragged ourselves home. On the way out, I passed Denny Webb and was able to remind her that she knew me.
Andrew did not hang around after lunch- he had Guilford to get to and probably wanted to be sure to be back before dark. But it was good to see him.
Wendy appeared outside, patently struggling and in a lot of pain, fetching a stick from their car. She told me they won’t operate on her hip until she has improved her muscle function. For the lack of this, she blamed some other malfunction, the name of which I can’t remember.
The main excitement of the rest of the afternoon was a commotion within the house. I had left the back door open to allow H to choose where she snoozed, and the newish black cat decided to visit us. Rather brazen of it, or so H thought. A frenetic scrabbling , barking and miaowing ensued. Mindful of Oskar’s reaction to cats, I leapt up in order to preserve it. But, it had its own preservation in mind and did not hang around. That will ‘learn’ it.
My plants still await my attention but tomorrow is a busy day. And on Wednesday I shall go and investigate Brenda who is recovering after her knee surgery. And meet her sister about whom I have heard so much.
The inevitable happened … I was trying to watch a recommended programme filmed by soldiers with body cams on the Ukrainian front line.
Thought for the Day
Snippets – some interesting comments from a younger person appreciating her grandmother and how visiting her means changes in her own behaviour. Family: pay attention!

And as for EasyJet – they are now offering some family holidays where a grandparent travels for free! Don’t just take your children- take a grandparent too.

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