I could add the word ‘dry’ to describe today’s weather. But it has been a pleasant day. What I saw of it!
And, as it started, I was so full of good intentions for the rest of it.
I flexed, drank coffee soon after 05.00. And H and I discussed our walk and decided it could wait a bit.
When we did get out, we headed for our new favourite, Cholsey Meadows. I was a bit miffed to discover that my benches were being occupied by trespassers. I have not seen anyone sitting on either of them before. Luckily, someone moved on so H and I grabbed a few minutes on the lower bench.
The water levels continue to recede and algae are beginning to take over. Swamps now.

We drove straight to Route One which was very busy. It is on occasions like this that I could really do with Tony. He was sometimes very helpful taking heavy items from the front of the house to the back garden. But last year, not so much so. He had adapted to planning how to get items from the front to the back, rather than actually moving them. Consequently, bags of compost etc adorned the front of the house until I eventually did something with them. I think his idea of his strength finally met reality.
I needed a new large pot so chose the lightest I could find that was half decent. Garden Centres don’t deal in 20kg bags of compost so 50 kg they had to be. All three of them.
I just about managed to heave three of these into the car with quite a lot of difficulty, mindful that I would look pretty stupid if I didn’t manage. I enviously eyed up the man beside me , as he effortlessly, almost one-handedly, swung his bags of compost into his 4 x 4.
I had developed a cunning plan to get the compost to the back garden, which involved dragging the compost through the house, by placing it into one of my super strong, and very large, garden refuse bags.
By the time this was done, I was in no mood to reorganise my pots and plant things. I needed lunch and a sit down. So I used a kit to make a vegetable tikka masala curry to which I added a few prawns. I can eat left overs tomorrow evening. It tasted good.
My sit down followed, during which I had a delicious and lengthy bit of shut eye, waking after 19.00. Shock. Horror.
I fed H and still felt overwhelmed by sleep so I retreated to bed where I continued my slumbers. Of course, I became more lively as the evening drew on. I just hope I get some sleep overnight.
On TV, in DIP, Neville has finally come to terms with his relationship with Florence and they leave Ste Marie together. I hope they have another DI lined up, I quite enjoy visiting Ste Marie, which is nearly as unlucky as Midsomer when it comes to murderous villains.
I watched Harry met Sally (again) – such feel good movie involving THAT scene.
Andrew tomorrow so probably no swim.
It’s been a rather sedentary day with some weight lifting.
Thought for the Day

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