
Tedious describes today’s weather. Same old, same old… Clouds, some wet spits and spots, cloud, occasional glimpses of the sun.

I had a pretty rough night because I was awake for an hour or two at some silly time and then fell asleep in the early hours around 04.00. And then I was awake again at 06.00 trying to get myself ready for a swim after 08.00.
The pool was busy when I arrived, then pleasantly quiet, then busy again. It was also quite choppy.

I returned home to shower and walk H. The walk was pleasant enough and we managed to avoid getting wet in a rain shower that followed it. H did quite a bit of scampering and I was still on slug alert.

Next, it was driving off to Hermitage to meet various Carer friends, and it was very nice to see them all. I had omitted to plug my phone into charge as I drove there and found it was completely flat when I arrived. Bother! We were there for over two hours. I handed Brenda my old crutches and wished her good luck with her knee surgery on Thursday.

And then it was home, I had a brief chat with George as I met him on his way home from school, and an even briefer one with Fleur. On Tuesdays I usually pay them a quick visit after school, but I needed to rescue H and they were over for supper last Sunday. So I explained this to them, having been unable to do so earlier due to my flat phone.

Back at home, the predictable happened … but I did see Alan Carr and Design Masters .

I returned to see H.

Tomorrow would have been / is our 53rd wedding anniversary. At least I did the sickness and in health but and the till death did do us part bit. Not sure about obey… But then T did the same for me …We made it!

Thought for the Day






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