That was the weather forecaster’s chosen word to describe today, so I decided to borrow it. Fairly mild , it has been, with sunny intervals and clouds. The sun is warm when it is allowed to shine.
Around and about, magnolia trees are magnificently showy. I’ve only noticed pink varieties so far. We had a wonderful white one at BV. ( see below) I doubt if it is still there.

That was April 2020, the spring of the main lockdown. And what a wonderful spring it was!
Today, I took an early swim. I did not really want to go at all, but needs must when you are out to lunch, which is the tale of this week.
And then it was H’s turn to take a tour of a field or two at Cholsey, my eyes keenly alert for any hint of lurking slugs or slime. But she did paddle and the walk was pleasant enough.
I then left H at home and set off for the Butt Inn at Aldermaston. Yippee ! They have finished the restoration work at Aldermaston Wharf and the road is open again, having been closed for the last 3 months or so. This was inconvenient.
I met Val Davis who I haven’t seen for years though she was at T’s funeral. It was lovely to see her and to find out what her boys are up to these days. Doing very well it seems. Gareth is now living in Donnington Square in Newbury, and Owain is divorced and in Kintbury, and shares care of his son and daughter with his ex wife. In fact, his son Elliott, should start at the Downs in September. Seems a fair way to travel although his ex wife lives in West Ilsley. F and G look out.
We had a long chat about family and medical matters , Val used to be a district nurse.
She told me she is no longer part of the local Tory machine because she has moved further right!!!! That was not what I expected! She didn’t think much of the calibre of the remaining Tory MPs. And might join Reform. I can’t reconcile it. Even the Byngs have moved on from the stories. Or even the Tories.
Anyway we enjoyed our lunch and parted company agreeing to meet again in the summer.
The Butt Inn spoilt my fun by ‘helpfully’ publishing calories on its online menu; so I chose a ‘modestly caloried’ Thai curry and it was excellent with lots of veg.
It is Clean Monday in Greece, signalling the start of their Lent. Traditionally they fly kites and bunk off any sort of work. Grammeno Beach was busy. Someone seems to have fixed the webcam which was offline for weeks.

Thought for the Day

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