The weather has been very pleasant today, mostly dry, after a damp start, and the sun ventured out and hung around for much of the day. Apart from the odd heavy shower , that is, and there were a few of those.
It was a busy day which started with an early swim. The pool was busy enough to remind me that the afternoons are much more peaceful. But I chatted to a couple of acquaintance swimmers- one who invited me to join a group on Monday who meet on the third Monday of each month at 09.45 after the swim. The venue is Route1. I’m wondering if that is Wallingford or if there is another Route 1 in Didcot. Unfortunately my commitment with Val Davis on Monday, means I can’t make it this month. Maybe in April.
Also, another nice lady from Benson, had followed my recommendation to swim in the afternoon and found it as pleasant as I did.
But, today, I had a late morning date with Brenda to take her to visit Michael. H got a quick walk round the Streatley Water-meadows first.
Michael was well whilst Brenda entertained him, I had another light lunch at the pub. H kept me company. I had the usual toilet dilemma – what to do with H whilst I went to the loo. Last time I was there, I dragged her in with me, which made everything a bit cosy. This time, I left her firmly attached to a sturdy table leg. And she was a food girl.
Brenda and I then went to a great cafe at a Garden Centre so she could get some lunch. We gossiped and I returned her home.
Her knee operation is next Thursday.
Someone has had a great idea to close a chunk of the M25 over the weekend. I feel for Surrey.
Pen is in London and Ali is near Geneva- both of them reuniting with uni friends.
I shall meet Anne tomorrow in Southrop for another lunch.
Thought for the Day

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