The Usual

Today’s weather became the usual damp, grey cloudy stuff. However, the morning started off with some sunshine and warmth, but this changed during our walk.

I performed a little flexing because I was unlikely to swim later. And I tidied up the roses and other plants at the front of the house.

The early part of the morning was frustrating- dealing with various online items, and not being able to log in due to forgotten passwords and not receiving reset emails. Eg checking up I am paying correct council tax as a single person.

Eventually, H and I got ourselves out on a lovely walk, though it was not as long as my watch claimed. It was really warm and sunny as we set out. But half way through, the clouds took over and spits and spots of rain fell.

I received a gentle message of condolence from Peter Ashdown, who is at Grammeno at the moment, so was updated with our news by Chris. Haven’t heard from him in a while.

it is a Carnival weekend out there, and judging by FB posts, it will be a big thing in Palaiochora. I think they fly kites on Clean Monday and people often give up meat and dairy foods for Lent. Easter is a big festival in Greece and falls in early May this year.

It has been a lazy day in some ways. I watched ‘Dawn French is a Huge Tw*t. ‘ Very enjoyable and very funny. T would have enjoyed it.

Thought for the Day






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