Today was a sunny one – all day. It was also a bit of a lazy one in that I did not intend to swim.
I had another very good night. Waking not at 05.00, but around 06.00. Even the 1litre of sparkling water I drank the evening before had no significant effect.
I did a bit of TV catch up before I arose. Oh what a sin!!
Loren came to do the cleaning and was the bearer of bad news for me, but good news for her- they were supposed to be moving up north in the Autumn, but it now looks as though they will be moving in May.
I chatted whilst she worked and then H and I were off on our walk. A gloriously sunny walk. I noticed our little filling station is being taken apart and changing from Essar to Texaco. I hope the fuel prices remain as keen. Anyway the forecourt was suffering great disturbance.
H and I enjoyed lunch out at the Waterfront which was busy and full of staff as well as customers. Obviously gearing up for Easter in two weeks time. We were able to sit outside in our coats etc. Enjoying a sunny lunch.
I returned home for more relaxation and some preparation for my two days away.
I will need to be on my game tomorrow – it is my rivers workshop and then straight off to Devon. Having walked H and delivered to the Illis before 08.30.
Th grass is beginning to grow… I had better dust off the mower…bedding plants abound in garden centres and some brave buds are beginning to unfurl. The day had a sort of April, without the showers, feel to it. Summer is lurking somewhere beneath the surface. Flood waters have receded somewhat though some locations still have lakes where there were only fields before.
A gremlin got itself in to the works over night inserting all sorts of jumbled text into my sentences and paragraphs. Apologies for anything that remains jumbled.
It’s a very sad day for a friend of Ali (and Dave) a death has occurred . Her friend’s mother has died after a short but sudden and very serious illness during which she came close to death a number of times but rallied. All the more poignant with Mother’s Day on Sunday and also because this friend (a doctor) gave Ali so much support during T’s final weeks. And afterwards.
Thought for the Day

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