That’s how the day started – murkily. But the day improved and we enjoyed brilliant sunshine from mid morning onwards.

I was out with H around 09.30 in the murk. And then off to the dentist. My teeth are intact and not rotting. I received the usual nag about interdental brushing.
I came home for a while and booked a swim for around 13.15. When I arrived, a disabled group with their carers and wheelchairs, were beginning to exit the pool. It was good to see such a damaged group having fun. And here is applause for the people looking after them.
A couple of toddlers and parents remained, and for the greater part of my one kilometre, I had most of the pool to myself. I enjoyed the swim and put more effort into doing front crawl. However my watch did not fully appreciate all this effort. Today, it described my strokes as breaststroke and ‘mixed.’
Back home again, briefly, for a shower before leaving for Slimming World at Kinecroft. The 16.00 group seem very pleasant. I had lost another 3 1/2 lb and was awarded slimmer of the week. More stickers and certificates. You also get a bag of donated goodies – kidney beans, doner kebab herb mix, some handy plastic containers and some other useful bits and pieces.
The day had continued sunny but I am now feeling quite tired, and we know what that means. (Accurate)
Ali unearthed a photo of Steve and T together. Steve died over 10 years ago so I am not sure how old the photo is. They are standing in the grounds of Downing.

I hope they are happy now, whatever mischief they are getting up to and wherever they are.
Other memories… Greece …happier days …. Plumper days .

Thought for the Day

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